Intelligence Farming

Staring at the young professor of mana theory, White was getting excited.

'Start the lesson already. I have to see how many points I can get,' White thought as he waited. His legs shook from the excitement.

Finally, professor Ankrew started the lesson.

"Mana is everywhere around us and inside us; it's in the air, in the water, in your own blood," Ankrew said as he wrote on the blackboard.

"Mana, like atoms, is one of the basic parts that make up the world as we know it. Mana isn't like the other components that make up this world; however, it can be used as a catalyzer for your own thoughts, ideas, and will, making sure that they come true," Ankrew said as he wrote a number on the blackboard.

"The first mana user appeared five years after the first invasion by the otherworldly races; in the year 2029, a man named Alex J Stevenson awakened his mana and was the first human to be able to launch spells and control the forces of nature."

'That's thirty years ago,' White thought as he stared at the name and date written on the blackboard.

"Alex is also known as the first archmage of humanity, the first SS-Rank to grace our race, and the academy's chairman," Ankrew said as he turned around to face the students. His face was serious, as he explained.

"Thanks to his innovations and continued study of mana, humans have managed to acquire another SS rank besides him. It is even estimated that the first SSS rank is not far away. Even one of you could be it, though it's doubtful," Ankrew said as he turned around and started writing on the blackboard once more.

"Mana is an energy, just like electricity or thermal energy, it is never lost and only transforms from one form into another. Mana is used when humans learn to sense it inside of them and use it to form certain mana inscriptions in their heart." Ankrew said as he turned around and put his hand forward.

Three white dots appeared in front of his hand, quickly forming three circles. Numbers started appearing around and inside the circles, as they continued to revolve around them. 

The process looked long. However, it only took a few seconds at most, and the spell circle was completed.

"Light," Ankrew said as the spell formula converged into itself and turned into exactly what Ankrew had said, a shining ball of light.

White looked at the spell, his mind open as he tried to imprint every word and action into his memory.


[ Intelligence has been raised by one due to continuous study ]

White's mouth curved into a large smile once more as he continued to look at Andrew.

'More, give me more,' White thought. If someone were to look at him, they would think he had already gone insane.

Thankfully, Ankrew seemed to have captivated the whole class, and no one was looking at White, who was in the back row.

"Spells are a method of mana usage. Spells are formed in two ways: one of them is to imprint them on your body and use those already imprinted spells in battle when you run your mana through the imprint. This is, however, an old archaic way of mana usage and has almost been fully lost.

Second, we use mana in modern times by calculating the whole spell formula and forming it in the air or the palm of your hand," Andrew said as he continued his explanation.

White, however, raised his hand before Ankrew could continue.

Stopping in the middle of starting his next explanation, Ankrew turned towards White and nodded.

"You have a question? Go ahead."

"Earlier, you said that to be able to use mana, we need to form a certain inscription on our heart; could you explain that in more detail?" White said as he stood up from his chair.

Andrew nodded and then started explaining.

"Humans' bodies usually don't have the capability of increasing the mana in their bodies as the other races do. This caused the first-generation mana users to not have enough mana for spells, and thus, they had to create combination spells if they wanted to increase their power. The chairman, Alex J, came up with a solution: by using the mana in your body, you create a mana spell around your heart and effectively turn your heart into both a mana generator and a mana storage. The higher level of skill you have in mana, the higher level of an inscription you could put around your heart," Ankrew said as he turned back around towards the blackboard.

Andrew drew a heart and a circle around it.

"This is the circle system. Some even call it the inscription level, though the circle is more widespread, so I will use that. Currently, this is also the way that we rank someone's mage's rank. The highest circle that anyone has reached is the 8th circle. Currently, the only 8th circle is Alex J. The maximum amount theoretically possible for a human is ten circles. however, the difficulty from the 6th circle onwards gets so high that no one has managed to even get close to a 9th circle, not to mention the tenth." Andrew said as he turned to face the students once more.

"This is something that you will further learn and put into practice in the 'Mana practice class.' Is this answer enough to satisfy your question, student?" Andrew said as he turned to look at White.

In return, White stood up on his feet and, with a large smile, nodded as he thanked the professor.

"Thank you professor, the answer was really helpful"



[ Intelligence has been raised by one due to continuous study ]

[ Intelligence has been raised by one due to continuous study ]

'Don't stop, professor. I think you are becoming my favorite quickly,' White thought.