Mana Device

White was soon engulfed in white sparks and disappeared.

For a moment, White felt like he was floating in nothingness, an endless white space all around him.

[ Ding ]

[ Player has completed the mission ]

[ Calculating rewards ]

[ 1% 10% 56% 100%]

[Rewards have been calculated ]

[ Mission: Kill Krabat ]

[ Rewards ]

[ Mana Unlocked ]

[ Dark Mana attribute ]

[ Mystical Attribute Unlocked ]

[ Level Up x3 ]

White looked at the reward screen as a large grin overtook his expression.

'Fuck yeah!'

Then in an instant, everything around White changed.

The white space around him darkened at speeds far surpassing White's vision.


With a thumping sound, White felt himself returning to his body inside the training ground.

Eyes still closed, White thought.

'It seems like my soul was transported but my body remained the same, last time I got transported with my body though'

Opening his eyes, White got up from the ground.

Looking around he saw that only two people besides him were left, and they almost opened their eyes quickly, getting up on their feet. Their expressions showing their joy at having unlocked their mana.

'It's unfair, these bastards unlocked it without doing anything' White thought for a moment but lightly shook his head soon after to get rid of the thoughts.

'Doesn't matter, i really shouldn't be complaining about fairness when I have a system'

Heading over to the students who had completed unlocking their mana before him. White thought.

'Let's open the status window first. I also got that mystical attribute'


As soon as he thought of it, a holographic panel appeared in front of White.

[Status Screen]

[Name: White Sins]

[Race: Human]


[ Attributes]

[ Strength: 23 ]

[Perception: 26 ]

[Endurance: 22 ]

[ Charisma: 22 ]

[ Intelligence: 29 ]

[ Agility: 22 ]

[ Luck: 31 ]

[ Mana: 22 ]

[ Mystical: 22 ]

Looking at his status screen, White barely held himself back from laughing out loud like a madman.

'Who cares if I have to do missions, if I continue like this I'll be able to reach A rank and even S rank in no time.' White thought as he showed a grin.

The students near him took a step away as they looked at White who looked like a madman, grinning randomly to himself.

'Skills' White thought as another panel appeared before him.

[ Slash, Passive skill level one 1/10 ]

[ Stab, Passive skill level one 1/10 ]

[ Combat Stance, Passive skill level one 1/10 ]

'They didn't improve huh? Though it's to be expected, I didn't really fight at all during the mission' White thought as he turned to look at Professor Charlotte awaiting her next instructions.

Charlotte turned towards the students and then clapped her hands.

"I'm sure all of you are very excited about unlocking mana so I will give you all a way to practice it and improve both mana control and its quantity," Charlotte said as she smiled at the students who looked eager to get their hands on the method.

Turning around, Charlotte walked for a couple of steps and then grabbed what looked like a small metallic box.

Turning back, she walked to the front of the students and then clicked a button on top of the metallic box.

Letting the box fall to the ground, it quickly expanded into what looked like a large metallic inventory that was rectangular in shape.

"This is an inventory cube, it's the newest technology that has been invented with the use of mana. It uses magic to turn this large box into that small cube by crushing space. I'm not knowledgeable on the specifics so I can't tell you exactly how it works." Charlotte said as she opened the metallic box.

Inside of it White and the students could see countless small gray spheres.

"These are the devices you will be using to practice your mana control and increase your mana capacity," Charlotte said as she grabbed one of the spheric devices.

"Its name is the MkII: Mana, it was designed by the military scientist as a way to train mana more efficiently. It is also a device of the newest tech so be sure not to damage it otherwise its cost will come straight out of your own pockets." Charlotte said seriously as she handed the MkII to the students one by one.

Once each student had a sphere in their hand, Charlotte started explaining how the device worked.

Holding a sphere in her hand, Charlotte started infusing mana into it.

This could clearly be seen when a light blue mist started appearing near her hand holding the device.

"By injecting your mana onto the device you will be able to find small engravings that need to be filled up, when you can fill enough of them in one go then the Sphere will upgrade its level and show even more engravings. Thus it's perfect for mastering mana control." Charlotte said as her device sucked in the blue mana quickly and revealed a number.


"The levels go from 1 to 13, what I'm asking of you to do is to reach level 4 by next week," Charlotte said and then threw the device in her hand back into the box.

White raised his hand immediately.

Turning towards him, Charlotte gave a smile and then asked.

"What is it?"

'For some reason that smile doesn't fit her face' White thought.

"How do we increase our mana capacity from it?" 

Charlotte nodded and then gave the answer.

"By using your mana continuously then it will increase on its own, there are other methods to reach mana growth faster however they are too expensive" 

[ Intelligence has increased by one ]

'Never mind what I thought, her smile is similar to one the holy maidens adorn on their faces. She truly is majestic'.