Monkey (3)

Jason moved with his clones on the ground, they moved with him in the lead.

"That's the plan."

He explained to them as they ran.

He had told his Terrible Clones the plan, now it was up to three of them to carry it out.

His only regret was that his mastery of the technique was copied to Ezra done to the bone, he could not create the additional clone.

The clones behind him exchanged disgusted looks, as they wholeheartedly disagreed with the plan Jason had thought up.

"Do you think I want to do it?! I just have no choice."

If his clones could, they would have outright disagreed. That was because of Asahi.

But they could not argue with their creator.

The three of them leaped out of the foliage and into the heart of the battlefield.

'I told them but they didn't listen.'

Jason thought as he looked at Asahi and Kira's situation.

Asahi was fending himself, and the same could be said for Kira.