The process was long, unbearable even.
The worst part was he didn't even know if he had begun, it took a lot out of him to stay rooted in one place.
Even if his eyes were being healed, he felt no changes whatsoever to his vision.
Jason couldn't tell how much time passed – he was never good at keeping track of time in the first place. But even then, he could tell that a lot of time passed.
He laid there, in a foreign place, thinking about his life choices.
Hours drifted by slowly without any of both parties moving in the slightest.
"Get up."
She ordered.
Jason woke up from his mental daydream at her sudden words.
He sat up before getting up.
"Remove the cloth around your eyes."
His eyes had stopped bleeding a long time ago, along with the pain.
His hands went to his head and he fumbled with the cloth, working slowly to untie it.
When he held the cloth up for inspection, he noticed something about it.