The people shuddered at his gaze, combined with his devilish grin and the crimson red blood, he looked like the devil.
The Unknown Darkness itself, standing in front of them like a grim reaper ready to take their lives.
'My reputation really scares low rankers.'
He mused.
The reputation of the Unknown Darkness was something that struck fear into the hearts of low rankers; after all, even though he was ranked a bit high in the bingo book due to his circumstances there was no denying that he ranked quite high.
The bounty that he had attracted was enormous.
And most people were wise to understand that only high risk brought high returns.
That was why the people were frightened by Jason's sudden appearance.
"They... They say that where- wherever he goe-"
The man stopped talking as his hand went over his wound.
"The other Hachiman and that new rogue civilian."
The man let out a gasp.