It was the darkest hour of the evening; the sun had already disappeared, leaving the sky vacant for the moon to take its place.
In a random area of the vast, dark forest, a Winterseed soldier could be seen fighting desperately against a monstrous foe, while the darkness clouded their sight. They fought based on pure instinct, their expressions cold and serious.
Rowan and Blaze were actively striving to prevent death as much as they could. Though it was tedious, both of them had the energy to persevere, preventing further casualties.
It had been two hours into the battle, and more than fifty soldiers had already begun evolving—about twenty had successfully evolved, currently testing out their newfound strengths amongst themselves.
The other unevolved soldiers performed their best against the monsters, with the hope of evolving like their peers.
They had already managed to slay half of the monster population.