Dragun remained on his knees, constantly pleading with Xandros to spare the life of the villagers and take his instead. He pleaded nonstop even going as far to promise his freedom in exchange for the life of his people.
Unfortunately, his promises failed to stir Xandros mind away from the reason he came.
Dragun became frustrated and helpless, revealing a side Riela hadn't witnessed since she knew him.
While the two went through emotional turmoil, Xandros sat on their bed and enjoyed the scared look on their faces.
"Do not be worried, Riela, you won't be lonely if you come with us as we will also be taking your husband with us. He is also a special mage like you, his magic talents far surpass yours and he also has a weirdly unique mana core, one that hasn't appeared in this world before," he said to Riela.