A loud, menacing shriek reverberated from the sky, coming from the inferno eagle as it charged up a fireball from its mouth. The inferno eagle and Black Drifter were locked in a really intense aerial battle not too far from the battlefield.
Two massive fireballs burst from the inferno eagle's mouth, charging toward Black Drifter.
Black Drifter activated one of its skills, granting it extraordinary aerial control. This boost in flight agility and precision enabled it to evade the two fireballs with ease.
The massive fireballs crashed into a random part of the forest and exploded.
After evading the fireballs, Black Drifter launched a full-on attack—this was the beginning of its assault, as it had been trying to drive the inferno eagle away from the battlefield since the fight began. Now that they were far from the soldiers, it could attack without fear of injuring Rowan and his people.