039. Ascidia System.

A day has passed since the announcement that shook the entire world.

A man claiming to be Gilgamesh suddenly declared a race to become the new minor god of the earth. Most people were confused at first and all the governments of the world responded swiftly, but nothing could stop Gilgamesh's plan. 

The entire world is swallowed by a massive revolted people.

Meanwhile, in his humble wooden house, Nabil watches the TV and all the news broadcasts the same thing. 

Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly had superpowers and most of them were intent on their own revolution, or so they thought...

Ego to create their own government for the purpose of becoming a minor god. 

Governments mobilized their military forces and chaos ensued everywhere.

Each country was engulfed in chaos and couldn't call for help as each country was engulfed in the flames of a relentless civil war.