The morning after her chance encounter with Ethan Ryder, Alex awoke with a fresh perspective. 

Their brief meeting had humanized the billionaire, and she no longer sought to expose a scandal. Instead, she aimed to tell a meaningful story about the person behind the public persona. 

With renewed purpose, Alex decided to delve deeper into Ethan's life, determined to uncover the truth behind the myths and headlines. 

Her investigation would reveal the complexities of a man often reduced to mere headlines, and she was ready to listen. 

With a revised approach in mind, Alex drafted an email to Ethan Ryder's PR team. It wasn't a request for an interview; it was a proposal. She proposed a feature article that would delve into SkyTech's innovative work and Ethan's role as a philanthropist, but also explore his motivations and his vision for the future. 

The response surprised her. An email arrived from Ethan's personal assistant, stating that Mr. Ryder had read her proposal but he declined.


Armed with a folder full of research and a head brimming with ideas, Alex marched towards Tori's office. 

This time, the scent of freshly brewed coffee couldn't mask the stale odor of disappointment that lingered in the newsroom. 

The negative feedback from Tori on her previous celebrity fluff piece had left a sour taste in Alex's mouth. 

Today, however, her steps were lighter, her smile genuine. This time, she had a story. A real one.



Tori's office door swung open before I could even knock.

 "Well, Thompson," Tori greeted her, a hint of amusement dancing in her steely grey eyes.

 "Back from your little chat with Mr. Perfect? Did he regale you with tales of his philanthropic endeavors and his flawless golf swing?"

I chuckled, a note of newfound confidence in my voice. 

"Something like that. But there's more to Ethan Ryder than meets the eye, boss. Believe it or not."

Tori raised an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity sparking in her gaze. "Intriguing. Sit down, Thompson. Spill."

I settled into the plush chair across from Tori's desk, my folder resting on my lap like a shield.

 "First, forget everything you think you know about Ethan Ryder. 

The reclusive billionaire, the philanthropist, all that's true. But there's more to it."

Tori leaned back in her chair, her sharp gaze unwavering. "More like what?

 A dark secret he's hiding in the basement? A gambling addiction? Come on, Thompson, hit me with something juicy."

"Not exactly a dark secret," I countered, "but a past life he seems rather eager to keep buried." 

I opened the folder, pulling out a printout of a news article from several years ago, the headline screaming: "SkyTech Industries Accused of Environmental Violations."

"This article talks about a controversial mining project in South America, accusations of environmental damage, and a fierce public backlash. All of it aimed at SkyTech."

Tori's eyes narrowed as she scanned the article.

 "Interesting. So, Mr. Green Thumb has a less-than-rosy ecological footprint?"

"There's more," 

I continued.

 "The article mentions Ethan Ryder, then CEO of SkyTech, facing a public hearing regarding the accusations. But then, poof! He vanishes. No public statements, no apologies, just… silence."

"So, he ran and hid?" Tori smirked.

 "That's starting to sound more like a story."

"Not exactly running," I argued. 

"He stepped down as CEO for a brief period, allegedly to deal with 'personal matters.' 

Then, a few months later, he resurfaced. SkyTech cleaned up their act, focusing on renewable energy, and Ethan Ryder became the 'eco-conscious billionaire' we all know today."

Tori steepled her fingers, a thoughtful frown creasing her forehead. 

"This is interesting, Thompson. But it's still not earth-shattering. 

People change, companies change. Maybe Ryder learned his lesson."

"There's something else, boss," I insisted. 

"The whole thing felt staged. The sudden disappearance, the convenient return, the complete image overhaul. It's too… neat."

"So, what's your theory, Sherlock?" Tori challenged, a hint of amusement returning to her voice.

"My theory," I leaned forward, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "is that there's something else Ethan Ryder is hiding from that period. Something that could potentially shatter his carefully crafted image."

Tori raised an eyebrow, a slow smile spreading across her face. 

This was the Alex she recognized – the one with a nose for a story and the tenacity to chase it. "Intriguing," she drawled. 

"So, what's your plan, Thompson? How do you propose we unearth this buried treasure?"

"I already started digging," I admitted, pulling out a small notepad from my folder. 

"I interviewed Mr. Davies, the current CEO of SkyTech. He was cagey, of course, but I managed to glean a few tidbits. 

Apparently, the South American project was Ethan's brainchild, and the backlash hit him hard personally."

"Personally, huh?" Tori's lips pursed thoughtfully. 

"Maybe there's more to this story than just environmental concerns. Could there have been an accident, a loss of life?"

"That's a possibility," I conceded. 

"But Davies wouldn't budge on any details. He clamped up faster than a frightened clam."

Wow Alex, this is great.

I'll like to see your progress on this project you've embarked on. Just make sure you cook something nice for our readers. Tori concluded



Days turned into weeks, the frustration mounting. Alex interviewed anyone with a connection to SkyTech, from disgruntled ex-employees to environmental activists who still bore the scars of the South American project. 

 But everyone seemed to sing the same sanitized tune – Ethan Ryder, the brilliant visionary, the eco-conscious leader.

Discouragement gnawed at Alex. Was she chasing a ghost? Had the past been successfully buried under a mountain of charity work and cutting-edge technology?

Just as she was about to throw in the towel, a name popped up in an online forum dedicated to investigative journalism.

 It was a single comment, cryptic yet intriguing: "For the truth about Ryder, look beyond the money trail. Follow the ashes."

A shiver ran down Alex's spine. The comment was vague, but it felt like a lifeline. Follow the ashes? Could it be a metaphor for the Phoenix Center, the one philanthropic project connected to Ethan's past that remained shrouded in secrecy?

With a renewed sense of purpose, Alex shifted her focus. The Phoenix Center was the key. She would find a way to unlock it's secrets and hopefully, uncover the truth about Ethan Ryder.