Wild discovery

"Come on! Keep it coming!"

Rylan shouts wildly, as he continues to beat down the five students who tries to rob him.

"Who the hell is this kid?!" One of the students says, as he gets thrown to the ground.

The other four continues to force themselves towards Rylan but they keep getting thrown back. Fist comes flying everywhere they go, even the baseball bat earlier broke with one punch.

"Hey, I've got a plan." The student lying on the ground says. "Distract him guys, I'll go hit him with this." He pulls a wrench out of his uniform.

The four students nod and spread out, attempting to distract Rylan by lunging at him from different angles. The student with the wrench tries to sneak up behind Rylan, ready to strike him when he's not looking.

One of the four students charge towards Rylan with a brass knuckle on his hand attempting to distract him. Rylan dodges to the side but that side is where the student with wrench is.

The student swing his wrench towards Rylan's head causing Rylan to get off his balance and falls on the ground. His body hit the ground and as he tries to stand up, blood quickly spilled out of his forehead.

As Rylan struggles to get back on his feet, his vision blurs slightly from the impact of the wrench.

"That's what happened when you mess with us." The student wielding the wrench says.

Rylan, with blood trickling down his face, steadies himself on one knee, he looks up to students, a fierce intense gaze falling down on them.

Rylan rises slowly to his feet, Ignoring the blood streaming down his face, he locks eyes with the students surrounding him. A menacing smile forms on his face, his arms falls heavily to his waist.

Rylan clenches his fists, the blood on his face adding to his fierce appearance. With a sudden burst of speed, he lunges towards the students, channeling all his strength into his strikes. His movements are swift and precise, catching the students off guard.

In a flurry of punches, Rylan delivers rapid blows, taking down each student one by one. The students tries to fight back, but they are no match for his relentless assault. With each strike, they falter, their attempts to retaliate growing weaker.

Finally, the last student falls to the ground, defeated. Rylan stands among them, breathing heavily but victorious. The alley is filled with silence, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing and the occasional groan of pain.

Rylan looks around at the fallen students, his expression softening slightly. He knew he had to defend himself, but he didn't take pleasure in hurting others. Carefully, he removes one of the students jacket and laid it down on his shoulder.

"I'll be taking this."


A dark corner, near the alley. The man watches from a dark corner, his weathered face showing a mixture of surprise and admiration at the intense combat he just witnessed. Silently, he nods to himself, acknowledging the young man's strength and determination. With a knowing smile, he fades back into the shadows, leaving the scene behind.


"Ugh... That wrench hurts so much..." Rylan says, as he rubs his bloody forehead. That fight took all the energy from his body, he's lucky to be standing and walking.

"Rylan? Is that you?"

A girl now stands in front of Rylan. She seems to be wearing a uniform from Rylan's school, her face looks shocked to see Rylan in this form.

"Yuki?!" Rylan turns around to hide his bloody face.

"What happened? You're bleeding!" Yuki says, she approach Rylan from the back and force him to turn around. Yuki gasps as she sees the extent of Rylan's injuries. "We need to get you to the hospital right away!"

Rylan tries to protest weakly but his head hurts so much that he fall to his knees. Yuki quickly pulls her phone and call an ambulance.


At the hospital. Rylan sits on the chair, bandage wrapped around his forehead and Yuki stand beside him.

"That's all, you're lucky that your skull did not break from the impact. Next time be careful and don't waste your life fighting some knuckleheads students." The doctor says. Rylan and Yuki thanks the doctor and says their goodbye.

After leaving the hospital, Yuki walks alongside Rylan. The atmosphere feels heavy with unspoken words between them. Rylan breaks the silence.

"Yuki, I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I didn't mean for things to escalate that way," Rylan says, his voice filled with regret.

Yuki looks at him with a mix of concern and compassion. "Rylan, you know you can always solves a problem with words."

"Can't help... They tried to rob me." Rylan protest.

Yuki sighs, looking at Rylan with a mixture of understanding and sadness. "I get it, but violence isn't the answer, Rylan. There are always other ways to handle situations like that."

Rylan nods, feeling the weight of his actions sinking in. "I know, Yuki. I just... I lost my cool, and things got out of hand."

Yuki puts a comforting hand on Rylan's shoulder. "I'm just glad you're okay. But promise me you'll think before you act next time, alright?"

Rylan nods solemnly. "I promise, Yuki. I'll be more careful from now on."

"Rylan? Yuki?" Another voice interrupt them.

The two turn their heads and saw Darren standing in front of them. Another classmate of them, always cheerful and optimistic, his presence alone can cheer up a gloomy room full of defeated boxers.

"What happened to you, Rylan?!" Darren comes rushing to Rylan's side. "Why do you look like that? Where's our nerd Rylan?"

Rylan glances at Yuki, then back at Darren, mustering a faint smile. "Hey, Darren. Just a little... scuffle at school, that's all."

Darren's eyes widen in disbelief. "No way, man! You got into a fight? That's wild! Are you some kind of secret ninja now, defending your honor and all?"

Yuki chuckles softly at Darren's exaggerated reaction.

Rylan shakes his head, a wry smile forming. "Come on... Get off of me..." He says as he tries to seperate Darren of from him.

"No way, man! You smell different, this jacket is not yours." He says, smelling the jacket and Rylan.

As Darren playfully teases Rylan about his scented jacket, Yuki can't help but smile at their lighthearted banter.

Rylan finally manages to push Darren away. "Alright, Darren, that's enough sniffing for today."

Darren, still grinning from ear to ear, steps back but then quickly turns to Yuki. "And what about you, Yuki? You look like you just witnessed our Rylan transform into a fighting machine! Are you his new sensei or something?"

Yuki chuckles and shakes his head. "No sensei here, Darren. Just trying to make sure Rylan stays out of trouble."

Darren winks mischievously. "Well, if Rylan here keeps getting into fights, maybe I should be the one to teach him a thing or two about dodging punches!"

Rylan rolls his eyes playfully. "I think I've had enough lessons for today, thanks."

"Are you sure? I'm the best dodger in the world." Darren whisper to Rylan.

"Yeah, sure." Rylan says, putting a finger in his ears.

"Alright, alright, you two," Yuki interjects with a chuckle. "Let's not turn this into a dodgeball training camp right here. We've got better things to do than getting into more trouble."

Darren throws his hands up in surrender, still grinning. "You're right, Yuki. We'll save the dodgeball training for another day. But remember, Rylan, if you ever need a backup dodging coach, I'm your guy!"


"Chief! I've finally found a guy to train!" The man shouts loudly at the office door.

"Damn you, Denis. Stop shouting loudly!" An old man slams the door open.

"Come on, chief. Quit acting like an old timer and listen up for a sec." Denis says, he pulls a photo out of his jacket and shows it to the old man.

The old man squints at the photo and then looks up at the man, furrowing his brows. "Who is this guy, and why should I care?"

Denis grins widely, excitement glinting in his eyes. "This guy is a pro, chief. He's got skills that would put our best boxers to shame. If we train him well, he could become a world champion in no time."

The old man studies the photo for a few moments, "Why are you so eager to recruit this kid?"

"Alright, listen here you old timer." He puts his arm around the old man's head. "I just saw this kid fight a five man with weapons and he won. What's more amazing is he gets hit by a wrench to his forehead and he shake it off like it's nothing."

The old man raises an eyebrow, "A five-man fight and a wrench to the forehead? Sounds like a story you cooked up, Denis."

Denis shakes his head vigorously, "I swear, I saw it with my own eyes! This kid's got some serious potential to be a boxer. We should bring him in for training, Chief."

The old man ponders for a moment, looking at the photo again. Finally, he lets out a sigh and nods. "Alright, Denis. We'll give this kid a chance. But if he doesn't live up to the hype, it's on you."

Denis beams with excitement and claps the old man on the back. "You won't regret it, Chief! I'll go talk to him and bring him in for training right away."

As Denis rushes out of the office, the old man sits back in his chair, thinking about the potential new recruit. "Let's see if this kid is as good as Denis claims. It's been a while since we had someone with real talent join our team."

With a small smile playing on his lips, the old man starts making plans for the training of the mysterious young fighter who could potentially be a game-changer for their team.