
"Hey, hey, I know that guy." One of the students says as the other students stared in shock.

"Zack... What are you doing here?" Rylan struggles to speak due to the pain he's in.

Zack stare at him, anger in his eyes but his face shows no expression. "Why are you getting beat up?"

As Zack stands over Rylan and the group of students, a tense silence fills the alleyway. The students eye Zack warily, sensing the shift in power dynamics.

Rylan, still trying to catch his breath, looks up at Zack with a mix of gratitude and confusion. "I can handle myself, Zack," He manages to say between labored breaths.

Zack's expression remains unreadable as he releases his grip on the wrench and tosses it aside. The students watch on, unsure of what's about to unfold.

"Handling yourself doesn't mean getting outnumbered and beaten up," Zack responds coolly, his voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of anger. He then turns his attention to the students, his gaze piercing. "You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Attacking someone like this, what kind of people does that make you?"

The students shuffle nervously, their bravado faltering under Zack's intense scrutiny.

"That guy is the son of the boxing legend!" One of the students shouts. "Let's run!"

The students scatter in different directions, their fear evident in their hurried movements. Zack watches them go before turning back to Rylan, who is now sitting up with a pained expression on his face.

"Thanks... for stepping in," Rylan says, his voice filled with a mixture of pain and gratitude.

Zack's features soften slightly as he helps Rylan to his feet. "Don't mention it. Just be more careful next time, alright?"

"Guys!!" Darren shouts while running, Yuki follows from behind. "We saw many students running out of here. They all look scared."

"Rylan, what happened to you?" Yuki speaks.

Rylan winces as he tries to stand up straight, holding his side where he had taken a hard blow. "Just a little misunderstanding, nothing I couldn't handle," He replies, trying to downplay the situation.

Zack interjects, his tone serious. "It was more than a misunderstanding. These guys were ganging up on him." He shoots a glance at Rylan, as if silently warning him to be honest about what had transpired.

Yuki looks at Rylan intently, concern evident in her eyes. "Are you hurt? We should get you checked out. This looks serious."

Darren, always the optimist, chimes in, "Well, it's a good thing we got here in time! I mean, Zack showing up out of nowhere was like a hero entrance, right?" He tries to lighten the tense atmosphere with a small joke.

Zack, not amused by the attempt at humor, nods at Yuki. "We should get him to a doctor, just to be safe. Rylan, can you walk or do you need help?"

"I can manage, thanks for the concern." Rylan smiles through the pain. He grab his eye glass from the ground and put it inside his pocket.

"You've got the guts to be a boxer, kid."

A rowdy voice speaks, an old man wearing a hat appears behind Darren. He pushed Darren out of the way and head straight towards Rylan.

As the old man approaches Rylan, there's a sudden tension in the air. Zack, Yuki, and Darren all exchange concerned glances, uncertain about the old man's intentions.

Rylan stands his ground, straightening up as much as he can despite his injuries. "Who are you?" He asks, trying to maintain a composed demeanor.

The old man, with a weathered face and piercing eyes, stops in front of Rylan and looks him up and down. "I'm Vincent, Vincent Sullivan. And I've seen my fair share of fighters in this city," He says gruffly.

Zack steps forward, positioning himself slightly in front of Rylan. "What do you want, old man?" He asks, his voice steady but tinged with caution.

Vincent ignores Zack for a moment and continues to scrutinize Rylan. "You've got potential, kid. I saw those punches you threw back there. You've got heart."

Rylan looks puzzled, not entirely sure how to respond to this unexpected praise from a stranger, especially in the midst of the chaotic situation.

Yuki interjects, her voice gentle but firm. "Sir, right now isn't the best time. Rylan needs medical attention, and we need to figure out what happened here."

Vincent finally looks away from Rylan and regards the group with a gruff expression. "Fine, fine. But remember this, kid," He points a weathered finger at Rylan, "If you ever want to learn how to handle yourself properly, you come find me at Iron Box Gym."

With that, the old man turns and hobbles away down the alley, disappearing into the shadows as quickly as he had appeared.

Darren lets out a low whistle. "That was unexpected. A mysterious offer from a seasoned old fighter. Rylan, you sure know how to attract attention."


"Hgh! Hah! Hgh! Hah!"

Punch after punch just keeps coming towards the punching bag. Denis is sweating but it's not the sweat of a nervous man it's the sweat of excitement.

The gym door opens and Vincent walks inside. Denis notice him and stopped. "Where did you go, Chief?"

Vincent walks further into the gym, his old leather gloves creaking as he clenches his fists. He gives Denis a knowing look and says, "I had some business to take care of, kid. You seemed fired up earlier. Ready to channel that energy into something more than just hitting a bag?"

Denis nods eagerly, his eyes shining with determination. "Absolutely, Chief. I want to learn from you. Teach me everything you know about the technique that K.O the current Japan Middleweight Champion."

Vincent's eyes narrow, scanning Denis with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. He places a hand on Denis's shoulder and steers him towards the ring. "First lesson: it's not just about brute force. Technique, timing, and strategy—those are what win fights."

As they step into the ring, Vincent starts to demonstrate footwork, head movement, and the importance of a well-timed counter. Denis follows his every move, trying to mimic the fluidity and precision he sees in Vincent's motions.

After a solid hour of training, Vincent calls for a break. He nods approvingly at Denis. "You've got potential, kid. But potential alone won't make you a champ. You'll need discipline, hard work, and a hunger to improve every day. Are you willing to put in the effort?"

Denis wipes the sweat off his face, his gaze unwavering. "I am, Chief. I want this more than anything. I want to be the best, and I know I can with your guidance."

Vincent nods, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Good. Then let's start with your roadwork."

Denis grinned with anticipation, ready to prove his dedication to Vincent. They leave the gym and head out into the early evening, the sun casting long shadows as they start their roadwork. Vincent sets the pace, his veteran legs moving with a rhythm born of countless miles. Denis matches his steps, determination burning in his chest.

After three months of training, it's only two days left before the big fight of his life. They are now inside the weighing scale room, boxers who has a fight tomorrow is here but most importantly is the Japan Middleweight Champion.

A tall muscular stands before the weighing scale, long platinum blonde hair draped down his shoulder and his face is somewhat scary.

"So this is the Japan Middleweight Champion, he doesn't look scary to me." Denix thought to himself.

"161 pounds. Next Denis Malone."

He stands up and approach the weighing scale passing the champion on his way.

"160 and a half pounds."

"Great, I pass." He thought as he looks towards the champion.

The champion gives Denis a piercing gaze as they pass each other. Denis feels a sense of determination and nerves building up inside him. This is the moment he has been preparing for – to face off against the reigning champion and prove himself in the ring.

As they leave the weighing scale room, a sense of tension fills the air. The next 24 hours will be crucial as they both mentally and physically prepare for the fight of their lives. Denis knows that he needs to stay focused and disciplined if he wants to have a chance at dethroning the champion.

With Vincent by his side, Denis begins his final preparations for the fight. He goes through his routines, visualizes his strategies, and mentally prepares himself for the upcoming battle. The clock is ticking, and the anticipation for the fight is growing stronger with each passing moment.


"Mother, I'm home."

"Ah, Rylan. How's your day?"

Rylan removes his shoes and head straight towards the living room. "It's good."

"You got into a fight again?" His mother notice some new bruise on his face.

"Just minor misunderstanding." Rylan tries to reassures.

His mother narrows her eyes, unconvinced. "Rylan, when will you learn to walk away from trouble? I don't want to keep worrying about you getting hurt."

"I know, Mom, I'll try to be more careful," Rylan replies sheepishly, sinking into the sofa. "Anyway, what's on the news today?"

His mother smiles and hands her phone to Rylan. "Look at that article, I'm sure you'll love that."

Rylan scrolls down the article on saw someone interesting.

News Flash: A boxer from America is challenging for the Japan Middleweight Champion.

Below it, is a picture of both fighters and the name of the challenger is someone Rylan meets three months ago.

"Denis Malone. So he really is a boxer, I'll buy a ticket to watch his match." Rylan stands up from the sofa and leaves the living room.