Rylan vs Yukata

"Alright, kid. We'll go in strong." Vincent whisper to him on the corner. "Yukata is an outboxer type so don't try to fight him using your footwork. You need to try and close in, don't hit up, focus on his body to degrade his footwork ability."

Rylan nods and takes a fighting style. His eyes focus directly towards Yukata who's now getting bothered by Denis.

"Listen here, that kid you're fighting got a strong punch and a strong heart. Even a skilled boxer like you will not win if you take him head on." Denis tries to coach him. "And remember, this is just a sparring don't be to hard on him."

Yukata nods to him and takes his own fighting style. Both fighters are ready to fight and they are only waiting for the bells to ring now.


The ring bells and Rylan quickly dashes towards Yukata with a fast speed. He prepares a body blow but the punch didn't land, Yukata easily dodge it by taking a step back. Yukata then launch a fast left jab towards Rylan and it hit his left cheek.

Before Rylan can recover, another punch flies towards him and lands on his face, he staggers back but another left jab lands again and again.

Rylan struggles to find his footing as Yukata's quick jabs keeps finding their marks. He can feel the sting of each punch even with the headgear on and his vision starts blur slightly.

He knows he needs to adjust his strategy quickly before things get worse. Remembering Vincent's advice, he tries to get close to Yukata while tanking all of his attacks.

Vincent eyes widened by the determination of Rylan, "What the hell is he doing? Why is he trying to get close despite the relentless attacks?" He said in his thoughts.

He watches in amazement as Rylan disregards the barrage of punches coming his way and continues to advance towards Yukata.

Yukata notice it and he takes a step back but continues to throw punches.

Rylan keeps moving forward, his eyes fixed on Yukata. Despite the flurry of punches raining down on him, he stays focused on his goal. He knows he needs to get within striking distance to have a chance against Yukata's speed and reach advantage.

Suddenly, the punches stopped and both Vincent and Denis looked shocked. Yukata is now backend on the corner nowhere to go, Rylan is in front of him catching his breath.

"What happened? Why am I in the corner? Don't tell me..." Yukata can't believe what happened but he stay calm.

The people in the gym were surprised by the turn of events. The atmosphere in the room was tense as all eyes were fixated on the ring. Rylan's determination had left everyone in awe, and Yukata seemed taken aback by how the situation had shifted.

Vincent and Denis exchanged looks of disbelief as Rylan stood calmly in front of Yukata, catching his breath. The room was silent, the only sound being their heavy breathing.

Yukata regained his composure, a look of realization dawning on his face. He had underestimated Rylan's capability and make a fool of himself, thinking this fight will be easy.

"Damn it! Who is this guy?" He thought to himself.

Rylan lowers his body and prepares to punch Yukata's body. He throws his fist as hard as he can but when it's about to land, the bell rings and Rylan stop his punch just in time before it hits Yukata.

Yukata feels the air shifting towards his body, and he instinctively leans back to the corner to avoid the punch that never came.

"Alright, let's end this sparring!" Vincent speaks loudly. "I don't want my fighters to get hurt."

The tension in the room dissipated as Vincent called an end to the sparring session. Rylan and Yukata both took a step back, breathing heavily.

Yukata extends a hand towards Rylan, "That was a good move at the end there. You surprised me."

Rylan nods, accepting the handshake, "You're incredibly fast and your punches hurts. It was an honor fighting you."

Vincent approaches both of them, a proud smile on his face, "You both did well. Rylan your adaptability are impressive. And Yukata, never underestimate your opponent."

After the match, Ryla goes straight to the bathroom to clean his body. He removes his shirt revealing a shredded physique and a long scar that runs along his neck and dripped down towards his ribcage.

As Rylan stood in front of the mirror, memory of the match starts to flood his mind. The adrenaline was still pumping through his veins, and he couldn't help but replay the sparring session over and over in his head.

"Damn it... I didn't even land a single punch." He muttered to himself.


The bathroom door opens and Rylan comes out of it. Denis and two other men are waiting for him, Denis quickly walk towards him and puts an arms around Rylan.

"Hey, Rylan. You trynna copy my move there?" Denis says with a scary smile on his face.

"Uh..." Rylan struggles to say something.

Denis smacks his back and laugh, "WHAHHAHA! You scaredy cat, I'm just joking!" He laughed again and the two other men laughs with him.

"You got some skills there, but I'm better." One of the men says, patting Rylan on the shoulder.

The other men quickly laughs, "I clearly am better than both of you." He claims with pride.

"You wanna fight?!" Both of them says in unison.

"Shut it, both of you. I'm clearly the best boxer in here, I'm the middleweight champion." Denis joins in the banter.

Rylan smile awkwardly at the banter and notice that Vincent is approaching them. Vincent then starts hitting the three with his walking stick, "Stop this nonsense! Focused on your training!"

Vincent authoritative tone brought an immediate hush over the group. The three men straightened up and nodded sheepishly knowing better than to disobey their coach.

"Sorry, Chief." They all mumbled, rubbing their arm where the walking stick have tapped them.

Vincent glanced at Rylan, "You did well in there, Rylan. Your will and capability will serves you right inside the ring."

Rylan's eyes lit up at the encouraging words from Vincent, "Thank you, Chief! I won't let you down!"


"Rylan, what happened to you?" His mother asked, worry evident in her eyes.

"Uh... I'm trying to box mom and I just had a sparring session." Rylan explains.

His mother's eyes widen in concern as she takes a sight of his bruise and battered body. She quickly rushes to his side, gently examining his injuries.

"You should be careful, Rylan." She says, her voice laced with worry. "You're just like your father, always doing what you want."

Rylan smiles, "Don't worry, mom. I can take care of myself." He reassures her.


"What do you think, Chief?" Denis asked.

"His adaptability is incredible, that's the first I've someone charging forward while getting hit." Vincent says, as he grabs a paper to write something. "He has a unique style, his spirit is undeniable but we need to work on refining his technique and footwork."

Denis nodded in agreement, "Absolutely, he's got a lot of potential. With your guidance, I'm sure he'll become a formidable boxer."

Vincent smiled, a sense of pride in his protege evident in his eyes. "We'll make a champion out of him yet. He just needs the right training and focus."

A silence filled the room for a moment before Vincent hands a piece of paper towards Denis.

"The WBC Heavyweight Champion?" Denis looks confused.

"He looks like someone, no?" Vincent asked with a smile.

"Now that you mention it, he certainly does look like someone... Wait!" Denis quickly stands up and he can't believe what he's seeing.

"That's right, remember Cain is finding his little brother?" Vincent smiled.

"Does that mean..."

"Now let's not get into a conclusion yet. We still don't have enough evidence." Vincent stands up and walk towards the window.

Vincent stared out the window, lost in thought as he watched the sun setting in the distance. Denis joined him by the window, the pieces of puzzle slowly coming together in his mind.

"Do you think Rylan could be related to Cain?" Denis asked quietly, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

Vincent turned to face Denis, his expression serious. "It's a strong possibility but we still don't know the story of Rylan, so let's leave it at that and let time unfold itself."

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the gym, Vincent and Denis stood side by side by the window, contemplating the implication of their discovery. The possibility of Rylan being connected to Cain added a layer of intrigue and uncertainty to their daily routine.

Vincent spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "For now, I'll train Rylan and make a formidable boxer out of him. He's a good kid and he has a lot of capability waiting to be unfold."