Chapter 13 : Swept By The Rising Tide Of Emotions (1)

It was only the third day of shooting, but a certain rumor already circulated around the encampment.

It turned out that Shen Jingwei was not the only one who witnessed the intimate scene between Lang Yuxuan and Yan Renzhong. Or maybe this couple simply did not bother hiding the nature of their relationship from each other.

Shen Jingwei's appetite for the delicious breakfast consisting of sausage and egg pancakes quickly decreased when he overheard the next table talking about the very couple.

"They are dating, aren't they?" a woman leaned forward and whispered to her breakfast companion.

Shen Jingwei shoved a fork of pancake into his mouth nonchalantly.

"But Emperor Yan is straight, isn't he? Besides, I heard that he was dating that singer, Chun Yao!"

"Right... so what is he doing, letting Lang Yuxuan hang around him all that time?"

"Maybe it's because of the roles they are playing. Zhang Fengxi and Liu Wenyuan are a couple at the starting episodes of the drama, aren't they?"

"Is that so? Ohh... they must be quite dedicated with their roles."

Quite dedicated?

Shen Jingwei couldn't help but wonder if Yan Renzhong's method of acting extended to such intimate levels with every co-star.

For some reason, it made him angry.

The act to shoot right after breakfast was Liu Wenyuan's Initiation Day.

Xie Jianyu went ahead of all suitors to bring the omega a gift to celebrate the latter's differentiation into an omega. 

Lang Yuxuan might be new, but people had to admit that he had done a very good job so far.

His portrayal of Liu Wenyuan was an exquisite blend of delicate beauty and warmth, a characterization that breathed life into the role. His performance was nothing short of enchanting.

The moment when he gracefully turned, exposing his neck for the Crown Prince's gift, was a scene of breathtaking elegance. It was a gesture so filled with trust and vulnerability that it seemed capable of melting even the iciest heart. 

"If you don't mind, Prince Liu Wenyuan, would you like to take a walk with me outside?"

Shen Jingwei extended his hand in Lang Yuxuan's direction, who took it without a question.

"With great pleasure, Your Majesty."

The ensuing dialogue between Liu Wenyuan and Xie Jianyu was a delicate dance. While Liu Wenyuan worked hard to impress the Crown Prince, Xie Jianyu maintained a cordial distance, making it evident that he had no intention of deepening their connection beyond a platonic level.

And then, Xie Jianyu, the greatest swordsman across nine layers of heaven, detected the presence of another person, who was listening in on them.

The focus shifted to Yan Renzhong. Zhang Fengxi was squatting behind a bush when Xie Jianyu's sword, Winter Frost, landed right in front of him, the blade only centimeters apart from the tip of his nose. This feat was of course not done by Shen Jingwei, but a production crew member.

"Show yourself!" 

While Yan Renzhong was a natural-born fighter, Shen Jingwei's martial arts skills were nonexistent. The former required no stunt double, his prowess with the sword evident in every fluid movement. In contrast, Shen Jingwei, despite playing the more skilled swordsman, struggled to keep up with the intensity and choreography of the fight scene.

To bridge the gap between their abilities, the pair meticulously rehearsed each move, ultimately requiring ten precise takes to achieve the director's vision.

Afterward, Shen Jingwei received a round of scolding from Director Ma.

"Shen Jingwei, after today, we will only shoot the scenes without any swordplay. You will take sword fighting lessons during the shooting break. I expect better performance from you in this aspect."

"Yes, Director Ma. I will, Director Ma," Shen Jingwei readily answered.

Zhu Dongyi hurriedly said, "I am going to register you at a martial arts school right now, Little Shen!"

"Yes, please, Old Zhu, thank you."

"Alright, let's move to the next scene," the Director announced.

In the next scene, Xie Jianyu lost his footing on the muddy and slippery terrain. His body careened backward, and with a swift, protective move, Zhang Fengxi broke his fall, cushioning the Crown Prince's impact.

Pressed together in the throes of the scene, Shen Jingwei and Yan Renzhong found themselves in an intimate proximity not experienced in three long years. The familiar scent and warmth of the other man's body ignited an unexpected surge of longing within Shen Jingwei.

Yet, a stark memory from the morning's conversation intruded, abruptly tempering his emotions.

A sharp crack echoed through the still air as Shen Jingwei's hand connected with Yan Renzhong's face, the impact harder than intended. The force of the blow sent the taller man's head snapping violently to the side.

The cheek he hit quickly flushed red with blood. Yan Renzhong slowly turned his head to look at Shen Jingwei, astonishment apparent across his face. Stunned by the force of his action, the latter almost forgot his one-word line.

"Impudent!" he cried out, after which the scene concluded.