Chapter 39 : Another Job Opportunity

It was certainly not an exaggeration to say that men turned into babies once they were sick.


Yan Renzhong held out the empty bowl of wonton soup at Shen Jingwei. The latter took it wordlessly, went back to the kitchen, and scooped the Emperor a second bowl.

Wen Guilin and Zhu Dongyi conveniently returned after being gone for almost three hours.

Once they were back, they obviously already agreed on several practiced lines to placate the fuming Shen Jingwei.

"So sorry to disrupt your schedule, Little Shen!" Yan Renzhong's manager shook the unhappy man's hand in gratitude. She was obviously not sorry in the slightest.

"I see that you even had to cook some food for Little Yan. I am in your debt!"

Shen Jingwei pursed his lips at Wen Guilin. He smoothly retracted his hand out of the woman's grip.

"I wonder what took you so long, Manager Wen."

"Traffic," both managers said in unison.