Chapter 83 : Selling Flowers (1)

"Draw a lot, form three groups of two people.

Sell flowers at the market. Interesting prizes for the ones who sell the most!"


The six participants exchanged glances with each other.

"What flower?" Lang Yuxuan asked dumbly.

"The flowers will be provided to you at the market," Uncle Wang cackled. "Just draw the lot for now."

Auntie Chen brought out a small bag. Inside were small paper balls containing all their names.

"Come, come. We should go by seniority, hm?"

Ye Lingxia, only older than Yan Renzhong by several months, was given the privilege of drawing the name of her partner.

"Lang Yuxuan," she said with a touch of astonishment.

Lang Yuxuan looked part relieved part disappointed. Relieved because he didn't have to partner up with someone he hated. Disappointed because he didn't get to form a group with Yan Renzhong.

After Ye Lingxia, it was Yan Renzhong's turn.