Chapter 114 : Crisis At Shen House (2)

The sound of footsteps pounded down the staircase as the Shen siblings rushed to their mother's aid.

"Mom, what happened?" Shen Jingwei called out.

Mother Shen looked terrified. An unknown male stranger with feral eyes and unshaven beard had intruded into their house.

He carried no weapon, so Shen Jingwei assumed that he was not there to rob them.

He quickly stepped between his mother and the stranger.

"Excuse me, Sir, who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

"Who I am?" The man snapped in an unfriendly manner. "I am Song Zhuguan, your fucking ancestor*!"

When he spoke, some spittle was ejected. His breath reeked after alcohol. This man seemed to be drunk.

Shen Jingwei squared his shoulders and clenched his fingers into fists. He glared at the unknown man.

He knew no Song Zhuguan.

Whoever he was, he had to go now.