Chapter 116 : Crisis At Shen House (4)

"Actually, why don't I start first?" Mother Shen interjected, prompting all pairs of eyes to look at her.


An uneasy smile spread on Mother Shen's face as she looked at her son.

"I will tell everything in a chronological order, so Jingwei can understand properly."

Mother Shen took a deep breath before she began digging through her memories and telling the story.

It was a difficult chapter in their family history, thus saying it out loud proved to be rather difficult, but necessary.

"After your late father heard about your relationship with Little Yan, he flew into rage and disowned you on the spot.

My late husband..."

Mother Shen sighed, "was inherently a good man, but nothing Dou Dou and I said could move his stone heart.

And then, unbeknownst to you, Jingwei, Little Yan paid us a visit."

Shen Jingwei widened his eyes at his mother.