Chapter 130 : The Private Screening (4)

After a photography session at the end of the private screening came to a close, Shen Jingwei and Feng Jietang went to sit under a flower trellis just outside the building.

Feng Jietang was considerate enough to grab some snacks and two glasses of wine for them to drink, not that Shen Jingwei had the stomach to eat or drink anything right now.

"So... What is it? By the way, I know that you wanted to talk to me. I am sorry about my schedule. But hey, I saw you in the skin cream advertisement. You look... divine."


Divine was a better word to call a man than "sexy", right?

Why was Shen Jingwei giving him another incredulous stare?


Did he mess up everything again???

When the other man lowered his gaze, Feng Jietang's heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach.

"I am sorry," he said, dejected. "It was meant as a compliment. I really, really liked how you looked like in the advertisement..."