Chapter 156 : Escaping The Demon King (3)

When a renowned singer wished to give a singing lesson, the entire encampment gathered to join.

Because who did not once dream about escaping their daily grind and pursuing a career beneath the limelight?

Wu Jin was, unexpectedly, a very good teacher.

He had a knack for keeping his lessons engaging with well-timed jokes and humorous anecdotes from his past.

"There was a time when I had to practice singing a classical song, and I ended up producing a rap version of that song. My friends were amused, but my instructor was not. He made me do hand stands for my audacity."

His students let out a hearty laugh.

"But it didn't mean that I stopped," Wu Jin continued with a wink. "I have learned over the years that we all need to be true to ourselves. I happen to find my passion in remixes and mashups. I use that in my music, every day."