Chapter 185 : Happy Birthday, Shen Jingwei (3) (NSFW)

It was the butt plug shaped like a real life Yan Renzhong.

Shen Jingwei's face burned bright red in an instant.

"Arghhhhh...!!!" He cried out in anguish.

"You must love me so much that you had this wonderful toy custom-made," Yan Renzhong remarked with a regretful click of his tongue. He ran his long fingers across the butt plug, making the fine hair at the back of Shen Jingwei's neck rise in alarm.

"That's not it!" He cried out. "It was a fan gift! I put them all in a wooden chest, and I was looking for the right time to send them to a temple to be purified!"

Yan Renzhong shook his head in disapproval.

"Shen Jingwei, is that a way to treat a fan gift?"

"But... But..."

To be fair, Shen Jingwei kept every single fan gift he received. He simply could not bear to see the naughty ones, so he had to put them away in shame.