Chapter 198 : A Brighter Path Down The Road Of Stardom

Yan Renzhong returned late in the evening, and found Shen Jingwei curled up on the living room couch, holding his phone in both hands.

"Hey," Shen Jingwei moaned in greeting when Yan Renzhong approached the couch.

"Jingbao? Did something happen?"

Yan Renzhong sat on the couch and dragged the unenergetic lump he loved onto his lap.


Shen Jingwei cuddled up against Yan Renzhong and mumbled, "It's about Jin Zhuo."

Yan Renzhong squinted at him.

"This 'Jin Zhuo' better be an old grandma you want to help."

"... Why not grandpa?"

"... Because I don't know your age limit in dating."

"..... Stupid Yan."

Yan Renzhong began to laugh.

"I love you too. So what is it about Jin Zhuo?"

Shen Jingwei recounted the events of the day, starting from the little reunion at Handsome Butler Coffee Shop, Jin Zhuo's request, the scandal between Zhou Jiuyan and Liu Suansuan, and ending with Shang Ruohai's rejection.