Chapter 200 : The One-Sided Crush

After that day, Jin Zhuo did not reply to any of Shen Jingwei's messages anymore.

Shen Jingwei sighed.

He already passed the contact number of CNC Studio's talent scout, hoping that Jin Zhuo could make the first step to success.

Alas, it did not seem like Jin Zhuo planned to do that.

Did he maybe have some problems with CNC Studio...?

"Mr. Shen, we are about to begin," a production assistant notified him.

"Thank you, I will get ready."

Shen Jingwei rose from his seat and walked out of the room.

He took his place behind another cast member. Soon, the full cast of "Eyes Of The Hunter" moved into the press conference room.

The moment they appeared, cameras started flashing like crazy.

"Mr. Feng! Please smile for us!"

"Mr. Wu! This is your second acting role so far, can you share your experience in acting???"

"Everyone, settle down!" The production assistant bellowed. "You may ask questions in due time!"