Chapter 249 : Visiting Dou Dou's Manhua College

Shen Dou Dou, who idolized her elder brother, lit up from joy after hearing the question.

"Big Brother! Are you finally developing some interest in my college life???"

Shen Dou Dou's answer filled Shen Jingwei's heart with guilt.

"I am always interested," he argued. "I just couldn't find the right time to..."

"It's fine!"

Shen Dou Dou clurche Shen Jingwei's hands, her eyes sparkling in delight.

"In that case, Dou Dou invites you to accompany her to the college tomorrow!"


The alternative was lying on the bed the entire time and let his mother baby him, so this visit to manhua college sounded very appealing to Shen Jingwei.

When asked about the kind of students who went to manhua colleges, Shen Jingwei had a specific picture in his mind.

A cute, freckled young woman with glasses, wearing a loose sweater, skinny jeans, with a pencil tucked behind her ear.