Colon cancer, huh...?
While cradling the shopping bag containing medicine for Yan Renzhong, Shen Jingwei fell into a daze.
He did not know why, but he suddenly had a bad premonition.
Almost as if the disease was lurking nearby like a clawed creature of the dark, ready to attack at a moment of weakness.
But no.
What was he thinking about?
What brought about this unreasonable paranoia?
If the lady in yellow suffered from a heart attack, was he going to be paranoid about heart attacks too?
Not that he did not anticipate it. Shen Dou Dou never failed to give him heart palpitations.
When Shen Jingwei arrived at the Red Jade Pavilion, he was greeted with a pleasant surprise.
"You are home!" Shen Jingwei exclaimed when he saw Yan Renzhong waiting for him. The man even had a bottle of wine and an apple pie ready to celebrate his homecoming.