Chapter 277 : Tell Me In Your Own Words (2)

Brain tumor.

Shen Jingwei sensed a knot forming in his gut.

He suddenly recalled the conversation he overheard at the Chinese medicine store, the one between the two elder ladies.

"Honestly, I don't know what to do. It happened so quickly."

"I didn't even know that I had cancer!"

"How bad is it...?" Shen Jingwei heard himself asking.

"Untreated, I only have less than a year left to live," Yan Renzhong did not bother sugarcoating the truth at all.

Shen Jingwei's knees buckled beneath him as the weight of the news settled in. He reached out blindly, seeking support, but Yan Renzhong was already there, his strong arms encircling him, offering comfort and stability.


Shen Jingwei clawed into Yan Renzhong's shoulder, digging his fingers into the latter's flesh as he locked gazes with his boyfriend.



"Why didn't you tell me when you first found out?"