Breaking Point

Virgil stood at the edge of the garden, his eyes cold and calculating as he watched Akita work. The garden was beginning to resemble the serene beauty it once had, but he wasn't satisfied. He never was.

"Rearrange it again," he commanded, his voice devoid of emotion.

Akita straightened up, her body aching from the relentless labor. She looked at the garden, now tidy and orderly, and felt a wave of frustration. But she knew better than to protest. With a nod, she began to move the plants and flowers, arranging them according to his new specifications.

Hours passed, and the sun climbed higher in the sky. Akita's back throbbed with pain, the wound from her time at the slave estate refusing to heal properly. She felt the sweat trickle down her face, mixing with the dirt on her skin.

"Faster," Virgil's voice cut through the air like a whip.

She gritted her teeth and quickened her pace, ignoring the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm her. She could feel her strength waning, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her falter. She would complete the task, no matter the cost.

By midday, she was struggling to stay upright. The edges of her vision blurred, and her hands shook as she moved the last of the plants into place. She took a step back to survey her work, but the world tilted dangerously, and she collapsed, her body giving out at last.

Virgil watched her fall with a mixture of annoyance and indifference. He rolled his eyes and called for the servants. "Take care of her," he ordered, turning away.

When Akita woke, she found herself lying on the floor of a small room. A pillow was tucked beneath her head, and a soft blanket covered her. Her body ached, but the immediate pain had lessened. She blinked, trying to orient herself.

Virgil's tall frame loomed over her, his arms crossed and a mocking smile on his lips. "Couldn't even complete a simple task," he taunted.

Akita struggled to sit up, her body protesting every movement. "I tried," she managed to say, her voice weak.

"Clearly not hard enough," Virgil replied, his tone cold. "You're here to serve, and you can't even handle a bit of gardening?"

She glared at him, her anger flaring despite her weakened state. "You pushed me too far."

Virgil's smile widened, a cruel glint in his eye. "And yet, you're still here. Maybe next time, you'll think twice before collapsing like some fragile doll."

Akita clenched her fists, anger giving her a small surge of strength. "I won't break."

He chuckled, the sound devoid of warmth. "We'll see about that."

He turned and left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She lay back down, exhaustion overwhelming her. Despite his cruelty, she couldn't help but feel a spark of determination. She would not let him break her. No matter what he put her through, she would endure.

As the days passed, Virgil continued to test her limits, assigning her tasks that grew increasingly difficult. He watched her with a sadistic pleasure, enjoying the way she fought against his demands. Each time she faltered, he mocked her, but each time she rose again, more determined than before.

A few days later in Virgil's estate bled into one another, each more grueling than the last. Akita found herself subjected to an endless array of repetitive tasks, each designed to wear her down physically and mentally. Virgil took perverse pleasure in her suffering, his sadistic streak growing more apparent with each passing day.

This particular morning, the sun hung high in the sky, scorching the earth with its relentless heat. The garden, which had become Akita's domain of torment, shimmered with oppressive warmth. She toiled under the merciless sun, her muscles aching, her throat parched. The collar around her neck chafed her skin, and the bell's constant chiming was a cruel reminder of her bondage.

"seems like your doing the same thing a couple of days ago" Virgil's voice cut through the still air like a whip. He stood in the shade of the manor, watching her with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "I want the garden perfect by sundown. The way I imagined it.."

Akita kept her mouth closed, forcing herself to keep moving. The sweat dripped from her brow, mingling with the dirt on her face. She could feel her strength waning, the heat sapping her energy with every passing minute. Despite her warrior's endurance, she was reaching her breaking point.

By midday, the world around her began to blur. Her vision swam, dark spots dancing before her eyes. She stumbled, her legs trembling beneath her. The sun beat down mercilessly, turning the garden into a sweltering prison.

"Keep working!" Virgil barked, his voice echoing in her ears. "I didn't buy you to watch you laze around."

Akita tried to obey, but her body betrayed her. Her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground, the rough dirt scraping her palms. She struggled to rise, but the heat and exhaustion were too much. The world tilted, and she felt herself slipping into darkness.

When she regained consciousness, she was being dragged inside the manor. The cool interior was a stark contrast to the scorching heat outside, but it offered no comfort. Her vision cleared just in time to see Virgil standing over her, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

"Fetch some water," he ordered the butler, who quickly complied. Akita's heart leaped with hope. Perhaps, despite his cruelty, he would show a shred of mercy.

But her hopes were dashed as the butler returned with a bucket of icy water. Without warning, Virgil took it and dumped the contents over her head. The shock of the cold water made her gasp, her body jerking violently as she was jolted awake.

"Rise and shine, Akita," Virgil said, his voice mocking. "We wouldn't want you to miss out on your duties, now would we?"

Akita's body trembled with cold and exhaustion. She looked up at Virgil, her eyes burning with defiance and anger. "Please," she croaked, her voice barely audible. "I need food and water."

Virgil's laugh echoed through the room, a sound devoid of any warmth or humanity. "You think you deserve such luxuries?" he sneered. "You haven't earned them. You're here to work, not to be pampered."

His words stung, fueling the fire of her rage. She tried to rise, but her body was too weak. The cold water had shocked her awake, but it hadn't restored her strength.

"Perhaps a day without food or water will teach you some obedience," Virgil continued, his smile widening. "Consider it another lesson in your new life."

Akita's fists clenched, the anger boiling inside her. She had endured so much already, but Virgil's cruelty seemed boundless. Her warrior spirit refused to be broken, but her body was nearing its limit.

As Virgil turned to leave, she forced herself to speak. "You're a monster," she said, her voice trembling with rage. "One day, you'll regret this."

He paused, glancing back at her with a look of amusement. "Is that a threat, kitten? Because you're in no position to make threats."

"It's a promise," she replied, her eyes blazing with defiance.

Virgil's smile faded, replaced by a cold, hard glare. "You should learn when to keep your mouth shut," he said, his voice dangerously soft. "Or I'll have to teach you another lesson."

With that, he left the room, the door closing behind him with a final, ominous thud. Akita lay there, her body shivering, her mind racing. She had to find a way out of this nightmare, but her options were dwindling. Virgil's cruelty knew no bounds, and she knew she couldn't endure much more without breaking.

But she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her defeated. She would hold onto her defiance, her spirit, and find a way to escape. No matter how long it took, no matter the cost, she would reclaim her freedom and make Virgil pay for his cruelty.

The garden awaited, another day of torment under the blazing sun. But Akita was a warrior, and she would survive. She would endure. And one day, she would break free.