The Unwelcome Visitor

The air in the drawing room was thick with the scent of pine and earth, mingling with the faint aroma of ink and parchment. Virgil sat at his desk, his hand deftly sketching intricate designs on a piece of parchment. The room was a sanctuary of calm and focus, far removed from the clamor of the kingdoms and mainlands.

Akita sat quietly on the floor nearby, her eyes occasionally darting towards the door. She had learned to bide her time, waiting for the right moment to make her next escape attempt. The wounds from her last punishment had healed, but the memory of the pain was a constant reminder of the price of failure. She was able to escape the slave estate but at what cost, for her to be tormented by her new master?

A sudden, sharp knock at the door disrupted the peace. Before Virgil could respond, the door swung open, and Lucius strode into the room. His presence was like a storm cloud, darkening the atmosphere with his barely concealed contempt. Lucius is the epitome of vampiric elegance and strength. Standing tall and imposing, he commands attention with his chiseled, muscular frame and strikingly handsome features. His face is a symphony of sharp angles and smooth lines, framed by dark, intense eyes that seem to pierce through the night.

With a commanding presence, he moves with a grace that belies his powerful build, his every motion exuding both danger and allure. His skin, pale and flawless, contrasts sharply with his white, shoulder-length hair, adding to his otherworldly allure. As a pureblood vampire, Lucius embodies the timeless grace and formidable power of his kind.

"Virgil," Lucius greeted his voice a mixture of concern and irritation. "Why do you isolate yourself out here, so far from everything and everyone? It's not safe. For a vampire such as yourself, I would recommend being with lively people. You are an elite being, a pureblood vampire with high status and power"

Virgil looked up from his drawing, his expression cool and composed. "Lucius, I appreciate your concern, but I prefer the peace and quiet. The crowds and the noise are distractions. I don't need you telling me how to live my life Lucius just worry about yourself"

As Lucius moved further into the room, his eyes fell on Akita. His expression twisted into a sneer, his eyes narrowing with contempt. Though he wasn't pleased with Virgil's words a mere human who he assumed would be his food was just a slave. A lowly human who has nothing better in her life but to sit and ponder in her thoughts "Why is there a human here?" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "And why is she in your presence? Do you know what their kind has done to us?"

Before Lucius could continue, Virgil's gaze hardened, his voice dropping to a cold, menacing tone. "Enough, Lucius. She is here because I have bought her. Her presence is not up for debate therefore she can be useful to me in many ways."

Akita, aware of the vampire's hostility, kept her head down, her mind racing with confusion and fear. She didn't understand why Lucius hated her so intensely when she hadn't spoken a word. She doesn't remember her tribe under vampires but she knew two tribes hunted her master's Kind. They were just simple warriors, nothing more and nothing less. 

Lucius sneered, his gaze lingering on Akita with obvious disgust. "Her blood smells rotten," he said, his tone filled with revulsion.

Virgil's expression remained impassive. "It's an old tribal remedy," he explained. "Many tribes use special medicine to repel pureblood vampires and regular vampires. It's a precaution, one that makes her less desirable as prey. It's given to all tribes, from what I read."

Lucius frowned, confusion flickering across his face. "Why would you keep a human who repels us? What is the point?"

Virgil leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Lucius. "She is a feisty slave," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I like a challenge and a hard challenge I will accept. You should know that better than anyone Cousin..."

Lucius's expression remained skeptical. "You've hated humans all your life. Why the sudden change?"

Virgil's gaze was unyielding. "My reasons are my own. Akita is here because I want her here. If you need a slave to boss around, buy one yourself. But do not, under any circumstances, attempt to order mine."

Lucius, taken aback by Virgil's vehemence, held up his hands in mock surrender. "Very well, cousin. I meant no offense. It's just... unusual."

Virgil returned to his drawing, his focus unwavering. "Unusual or not, it is my decision. You would do well to remember that."

Lucius nodded, though his expression remained one of skepticism and unease. He couldn't understand Virgil's tolerance for the human, especially given his usual disdain for their kind. But he knew better than to push the issue further.

As the evening wore on, the tension in the room slowly dissipated. Lucius and Virgil spoke of other matters—politics, the state of the kingdoms, and the ever-changing dynamics of their world. Akita remained a silent observer, absorbing every word and trying to piece together the complex relationships and power struggles that surrounded her.

When Lucius finally departed, leaving the manor shrouded in the stillness of night, Virgil turned to Akita. His expression softened slightly, though his eyes still held their customary coldness.

"Do not let him bother you," he said, his voice unexpectedly gentle. "You are here because I chose you to be here. Remember that. Theres still much work to do tomorrow, I expect you to be ready."

Akita nodded, though she couldn't fully understand his motives. She knew Virgil was a complex man, filled with contradictions and secrets. But for now, she had no choice but to trust him, to navigate the treacherous path laid out before her.

As she settled down for the night, Akita couldn't help but wonder about the future. She was a prisoner in a land filled with vampires, bound to a master who was both protector and tormentor. Yet, despite the fear and uncertainty, a spark of determination burned within her. She would endure, adapt, and find a way to survive, no matter the cost.