A League of Their Own: The Big Company's Advantage      

Finally, it was time for the heavy hitters — the trainees from the big companies — to take the stage.


"Let's take a short break before we proceed," Evelyn said, stretching as she stood up. "I'm getting hungry."


"We'll have a thirty-minute break!" Mitchell announced to the room, his voice echoing through the space.


Riku turned to no one in particular, his eyes scanning the room. Even on a short break, he couldn't sit still. "I wonder who's going first. Everyone from the big companies looks promising. Do we even stand a chance against them?"


Cain was lost in his own thoughts, and wasn't paying much attention. "Will we get a lunch break?" His stomach growled, reminding him of the chocolate bar he had stashed earlier.


Riku gawked at him, wide-eyed. "How are you even thinking about food right now? My stomach's been in knots all day — I can't even imagine being hungry!"