My eyes fluttered open, and they were met with a dark, cloudy sky that was all too familiar. I could feel myself floating as I tried to recall where I was, and what has happened. I looked down to my body and saw that all of it was submerged in water.

That was when it clicked.

I shot up and began to flap around in the pool. I was in the water, the dark king has thrown me in here. I snapped my eyes shot, ready to bear the pain, but after a few seconds of waiting, i felt nothing. No single pain.

Shocked, I looked down at myself, and it is only then I realized that there was no blemish, or bruise on my body from the water. I frowned, my eyes roaming my body in search of an answer to this phenomenon.

What has happened to me?

I could vividly remember how the dark king tossed me into the water, and now unbearable the pain was. It was so bad that my body couldn’t withstand it, and I passed out on the spot. But what had happened right after that?
