Chapter 39: Soul Hunting (I)

Flanders and Liu Erlong were still absorbing the magical grass, with fluctuations of soul power emanating from their bodies from time to time.

Their martial spirits also emerged: the Cat-Owl Martial Spirit for Flanders and the Red Dragon Martial Spirit for Liu Erlong. Flanders' Cat-Owl Martial Spirit is among the best of high-level martial spirits, while Liu Erlong's Red Dragon Martial Spirit, a variant of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, is a top-tier martial spirit.

Flanders' Cat-Owl Martial Spirit began to change. The wind elements in the environment were converging towards it, and the Cat-Owl Martial Spirit gradually started to turn blue. Its body size increased, and the feathers on its body became sharper, making the owl appear more majestic.

Flanders opened his eyes, still in his martial spirit possession state. Originally, his eyes would appear orange-yellow when possessed, but now they had turned blue.

Flanders felt the changes in himself. His soul power was close to level 79, about to break through. This magical herb had directly helped him improve by two levels, bringing him to the bottleneck of Soul Douluo.

Moreover, Flanders felt that his Cat-Owl Martial Spirit had evolved. The Cat-Owl Martial Spirit, initially a high-level martial spirit, had now transformed into a top-level flying attack martial spirit, the Hurricane Cat-Owl.

Flanders felt as if something had broken, but he didn't dwell on it. He felt that his strength had greatly improved, and the power of his first six soul skills had significantly increased.

"How is it, Dean? Did you break through?" Li Luochen asked, observing Flanders' new martial spirit, convinced that he had succeeded.

"I've broken through to level 80, reaching the Quasi-Soul Douluo stage. I've managed to become a Soul Douluo before turning 50. I even have a chance to break through to Titled Douluo in the future. My martial spirit has also evolved into the Hurricane Owl, a top-tier martial spirit. My control over wind attributes has significantly improved. Thank you, Xiaochen. But if you gave me this treasure, what about Hongjun and Xiaoao?"

Flanders felt the changes in himself but was suddenly concerned about his students and old friends.

"Everyone has a share, of course. Xiao Ao's and Hong Jun's treasures are even more precious than yours. My grandfather and the teachers have prepared them. We can distribute them when we get back."

Li Luochen understood Flanders' guilt for receiving such a good thing from his students, but knowing everyone had a share, Flanders said nothing more.


With a dragon's roar, Liu Erlong also completed the evolution of her martial spirit. Being younger than Flanders and already close to Soul Saint, Liu Erlong had been a genius, but she had wasted much time due to emotional distractions.

She not only broke through to level 70 but also saw her martial spirit evolve. The Red Dragon Martial Spirit, which had been slightly inferior to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, now matched it due to the magical herb and even transformed into a dragon.

Liu Erlong, being Yu Luomian's daughter, was no stranger to dragon transformation and knew how to cultivate it. Furthermore, the flames of the Red Dragon Martial Spirit became even more potent, rivaling those of soul masters who specialized in fire attributes. Like Flanders, she also felt as if something had disconnected, but it left her feeling extremely relaxed, and she gazed at Flanders with tenderness in her eyes.

"Since both the dean and the mistress have completed their advancements, let's head to the Sunset Forest to hunt soul beasts. Grandpa Dugu and I had a chat, and there are soul beasts in the Sunset Forest suitable for all three of us."

Li Luochen proposed, and Flanders and Liu Erlong nodded in agreement. It would be easier to hunt soul beasts with Dugu Bo's assistance.

Five people set out for the hunt: Dugu Bo at the peak of level 94, Flanders at level 80, Liu Erlong at level 70, and the spectators Li Luochen at level 40 and Dugu Yan at level 37.



In the southwest of the Tiandou Empire, in Fasno Province, Notting City, Notting Junior Soul Master Academy, Yu Xiaogang was still writing furiously when he felt something strange. However, due to his low cultivation level, he couldn't discover anything. He had no idea that he had lost something very important.

The Golden Iron Triangle now only existed in name. Yu Xiaogang could no longer form the trinity martial soul fusion skill with Liu Erlong and Flanders. He had lost the ability to participate in high-level battles.

If his Luo Sanpao had not been an incompletely evolved Holy Dragon of Light, how could he have been the main controller in the martial soul fusion technique? Now that Flanders' martial spirit had evolved and Liu Erlong's martial spirit had advanced further, they had surpassed the Holy Dragon of Light bloodline possessed by Luo Sanpao. Yu Xiaogang, currently only a level 29 Great Soul Master, would never break through to the Soul Venerable level in his lifetime.



In Sunset Forest

"We're approaching the territory of the Flame One-Horned Dragon. Get ready," Dugu Bo instructed, already prepared, releasing his mental power to observe the surroundings.

"Flanders, you protect Luo Chen and Yan Yan. Long Yatou and I will deal with the one-horned dragon."

A sound similar to a dragon's roar echoed as a 25-meter-long creature with bright red scales and a single horn on its head appeared. The horn was a distinctive trait of sub-dragon species.

"Sixth Soul Skill: Green Phosphorus Snake King Strike!"

Dugu Bo released a powerful single-target attack, slamming the snake head into the flaming one-horned dragon, stunning it.

"Sixth Soul Skill: Explosive Fire Dragon Speed!"

Liu Erlong seized the moment, activating her strongest soul skill and delivering a direct punch to the one-horned dragon.

However, the one-horned dragon, being a sub-dragon soul beast, possessed extraordinary defense. The 50,000-year mark is a significant watershed for soul beasts, and a 50,000-year-old one-horned dragon is far stronger than one that is 49,900 years old.

"Hmph, this beast's defense is quite strong. Let's see how it handles this! Martial Soul True Body!"

Dugu Bo released his martial soul and delivered a heavy blow to the dragon's head, breaking its horn and leaving a massive wound.

Dugu Bo sneered, his left arm flashing as he used his left arm soul bone skill, Snake King Binding!

Several green snake shadows bound the flaming one-horned dragon, and the paralyzing toxin within them rendered it immobile.

"Dragon girl, now's your chance! Attack the wound on its head!" Dugu Bo shouted. Liu Erlong immediately reacted, charging up her sixth soul skill.

"Explosive Fire Dragon Speed!"

With a powerful punch, she struck the wound on the one-horned dragon's head. The dragon let out a final roar before dying.

A black soul ring appeared above the flaming one-horned dragon's body. It was a 50,000-year soul ring, right at the limit. After absorbing the magical herb, Liu Erlong's physique had improved significantly.

Absorbing this soul ring shouldn't be a problem. The strength of the seventh soul skill, the martial soul avatar, is directly linked to the soul ring's age. The higher the age, the greater the power of the martial soul avatar.

Liu Erlong looked at the black soul ring with joy. She had finally stepped into the threshold of becoming a strong individual. Having the seventh soul ring was a stepping stone to becoming truly powerful. The status of a Soul Saint was highly respected.

Liu Erlong sat down, pulled the black soul ring over, and began absorbing the 50,000-year-old soul ring.