Ch 7: Fish Got Hooked on the Bait

'Looks like a lot has changed after getting a second chance,' Lucifer pondered, a sense of gratitude washing over him. His previous self had been burdened with painful memories, and this new visage felt like a rebirth to him.

As he traversed the path to Emberfang Town near the towering Ember Peaks, his simmering emotions began to bubble over, clearly visible on his face. Every step he took was drawing forth a whisper of buried resentment and anger within him.

But to not ruin his mood, he tried to calm down, he inhaled fresh air within the surroundings deeply, turning those raw vengeful feelings into a resolute determination for his further journey.

As he was walking, he observed around him. The sun was still high, casting a warm golden hue upon the quaint settlement (a small, charming, and picturesque village or town). Stone and timber cottages lined the cobbled streets, showing its rustic charm.

People were moving as usual here and there minding their own business, and shopkeepers were selling things while customers were bargaining things. And children were running here and there with their friends as they were playing some sort of game.

Thus, the place was lively, this was a stark contrast to the dark memories that were hiding within Lucifer's mind.

With every familiar vivid memory, the town shifted from a place of serenity to a haunting reminder of his past as this was the place where he had spent his childhood.

Upon crossing Back-Wind Town— a bustling town of locals, traders, and traveler, Lucifer had finally reached Emberfang Town.

Emberfang Town and Black-Wind Town were a rural area in the whole huge Phoenix-Wing City. It was surrounded by the Ember Mountains filled with legends of old—a place where numerous phoenixes had danced in the twilight, leaving hope of fire in the surroundings.

Phoenix-Wing City was a bit closer to Fire-Light Butterfly City. Fire-Light Butterfly City also had its own legend: a place where the Firelight Butterfly appeared, guiding lost souls to their destination.

But where were these cities located?

These cities were located on the Central Continent of the Azura Planet.

Azura Planet might be ten times larger than Earth, with many cities and diverse inhabitants, including humans and other creatures living in it.

The world had been divided into five continents namely; Eldoria (East), Zephyria (West), Borealis (North), Solara (South), and Centraea (Central). All had their mystery characteristics, specialties, weather, and lifestyles. Yet Lucifer didn't know much about this world, as all his life passed in struggle and survival.

The depth of this world hence remained a mystery to him, because even if he wished to decipher or want to know about the world, it would not happen, due to his weak talent and power.

Nevertheless, his knowledge did not come from the lore of the land, but from momentary discussions with several townsfolk who gave him glimpses into the grandeur beyond.

But even the simplest of their stories somehow still sounded like echoes in a cave—vague. That left him feeling like a drop in an ocean of the unknown. What lies beneath all that is before us? Is the reality what we are seeing or merely a feast for our eyes?


After reaching his destination, his expression began to harden with frigid as the heart of an arctic storm, exuding an aura like an icy coldness that seemed capable of freezing one's soul.

He approached the familiar but not that familiar two-story cottage. The house was built from sturdy stone and timber, with a thatched roof. The walls were a mix of white plaster and exposed wooden beams.

And this house suited at quite a quiet place, as few people walk here and there.

This cottage belonged to…. Leo Frostholm, his once-beloved friend who had betrayed him, and one of the reasons for his downfall.

Now, standing before the cottage, the ache of betrayal clawed inside him which made him nostalgic. "Let's first upgrade my Low-Level Kickboxing Skill Art to the next level," Lucifer muttered, eyeing the house with a malicious glint, ready to cook everything down.

[Upgrading the Low-Level Kickboxing Skill Art, deduct 20 hatred points. Remaining: 26 hatred points.]

[Ding! Upgrade successful!]

[Mid-Level Kickboxing Skill Art Green Grade (50 hatred points for upgrade)]

[When using your kickboxing skill, your power increases by 15% and your flexibility by 20%.]

After the upgrade to Low-Level Kickboxing Skill Art, Lucifer began to feel subtle changes in his body.

"Hmm… even without practice, I did upgrade my skill to another level? Truly mindboggling… Hope, God of Rules and Regulation won't seek justice on me or I am dead meat"

He then started throwing some punches and kicks and felt more force, power, and flexibility it had when he did a light demo.

Step Step

He swaggered towards the house, cracking his neck and scratching his arm.

"There we go…" Lucifer muttered.

Lucifer grinned, feeling the urge to wreak havoc. Yet his expression remained calm and indifferent, as if he was going to meet a close friend rather than the person responsible for his death.

This shows that we can't judge a person by their looks, everything might be a façade.

"Ahem, ahem, let's change my voice a little bit, shall we? Or it won't be fun," Lucifer said, deepening his voice until it sounded quite different from his original tone.

Then he knocked on the door.

Knock Knock

"Hello, is anyone there?" he asked in a deep voice, but no one answered.

'Oh, come on, my dear Dead-Friend. Be a sport and open the door. Your grand finale is awaiting here!'

Trying to avoid causing any commotion or startling the other person, Lucifer spoke again in a warm voice. "Hello, is this Leo's house? I was sent by Big Brother Eldon… Uff, it looks like no one is here… what a bad day," Lucifer said, feigning a sigh.

"Ohh… Eldon Big Brother?... Wait, I am coming." Leo answered from within the house upon hearing Eldon's name. Eldon was a small gang leader, and Leo and Lucifer had worked for him before.

'Heee…. Fish hooked on the bait,' Lucifer thought, smiling like a devil, ready to tear apart his prey.

The door creaked open after a minute. Leo opened the door, squinting his eyes out of the door as he tried to make out the figure standing before him.

The figure he saw had short white hair, crimson eyes, and stood around 175 cm tall, slightly shorter than him. His appearance was messy, and the smile on his face was clearly fake. But Leo did not realize it.

"Who are you?" Leo asked, his voice filled with suspicion. His eyes were sharp, with a balanced body, he was an average-looking boy.

Leo had a feeling he had seen this face somewhere before. He couldn't pinpoint exactly where or when. He racked his brain, trying to think, trying to remember, but still had no clue. He didn't even consider that the person before him could be Lucifer. In his mind, Lucifer was already dead.

'Who am I? Just wait a little bit, and I'll tell you nicely that you will never forget this day,'

"Ah, Leo, my friend, my brother… It's been a while. Have you already forgotten me?" Lucifer said, stepping into the house. He was still using his deepened voice as he continued playing the role calmly. "Brother Eldon sent me with a message."

"Oh, really? What message?" Leo's guard slightly lowered at the mention of Brother Eldon's name. He guessed he must have seen Lucifer's face there. Although he thought Lucifer was one of Eldon's people, he still tried to figure out where he had seen this face before.

Being cautious was one of the rules of street life. No one knew when and where someone might offend someone, resulting in dire consequences.

Lucifer grinned maliciously as he moved closer. "Oh, the message? Well, let me see... Ah yes, the message is your mother..."

"Come here, take this." Before Leo could react, Lucifer launched a swift kick to his midsection, sending him sprawling backward. Leo landed on the floor with a thud.

"What the—" Leo gasped confusedly because of the sudden sneak attack, feeling both pain and terror.

Without giving him a chance to recover, Lucifer launched another attack. "Here, take this one too. And this too."

Smack Smack Smack

Lucifer pounced on Leo like a wolf, using his newly upgraded kickboxing skills to land a series of powerful blows, making Leo's face black and blue.

[Ding! Gain 1 Hatred Point (Anger)]