Chapter 12 Lu Beicheng, Just Have One!

With tears in her eyes, Ye Chu's crying did not alter Lu Beicheng's expression. He calmly said, "I'll have Xia Cheng go over to handle it for you."

After he spoke, he hung up the phone and called Xia Cheng, asking him to make a trip there.

By this time, Gu Nanyan's breathing had steadied significantly compared to before.

She thought she wouldn't be able to keep Lu Beicheng from leaving tonight.

After ending the call, Lu Beicheng turned and gave someone a glance, "If you're awake, get out of the car yourself. I won't be carrying you."

But Gu Nanyan did not open her eyes or wake up.

Seeing this, Lu Beicheng unbuckled his seatbelt, opened the car door, and walked straight into the house without looking back.

Seeing that Lu Beicheng really left, Gu Nanyan unbuckled her seatbelt, quickly opened the car door, and got out as well.

Catching up to him, she wrapped her arms around Lu Beicheng's arm.

Casting his eyes downward, Lu Beicheng glanced at Gu Nanyan, his face very cold, while Gu Nanyan still maintained her usual pleasant expression.

Compared to Ye Chu's sobbing just now, the difference was stark.

As their eyes met, Lu Beicheng quickened his pace, and Gu Nanyan did the same, "Lu Beicheng, let's have a baby."

Lu Beicheng, "No."

Despite saying no, he did not remove Gu Nanyan's hand from his arm.

Shortly thereafter, the two entered the house, and seeing them return together, Aunt Jiang smiled more radiantly than the flowers in the courtyard, hurriedly instructing the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Gu Nanyan seemed to be in an especially good mood today, looking at Lu Beicheng longer than usual and speaking more than normal.

After dinner, when both had returned to their bedroom upstairs, Lu Beicheng noticed Gu Nanyan was still in a good mood and coldly reminded her, "Gu Nanyan, don't get too happy too soon."

He had promised to come back once a week, but he hadn't agreed to anything else.

Gu Nanyan nonchalantly said, "I'm going to take a shower first."

… Lu Beicheng.

After a while, when Gu Nanyan came out of the shower, Lu Beicheng was already sitting on the bed reading, his nose still adorned with that pair of wire-rimmed glasses.

As she approached, Gu Nanyan knelt on one knee by the bed. Before she could open her mouth to speak, Lu Beicheng lifted his right hand, his finger resting on her forehead, keeping her at a distance from him.

As she looked up about to speak, her phone in her pocket rang.

A voice call from a client.

So she glanced at Lu Beicheng, rose from the bed, and said, "I'll take this call first."

As she did, she quickly answered the call, "Eh! Sister Qiao."

On the other end of the phone, the voice of a middle-aged woman, coupled with indignant crying, came through, "Lawyer Gu, tell me, why are all men such heartless creatures? When I married him, he didn't even have decent clothes to his name."

"I've endured so many hardships with him all these years, taking care of the home and the children so well, and now he turns his back on me just like that, talking about divorce as if it's nothing."

"Doesn't he realize what those little vixens outside are after? Isn't he aware of what they want from him? How can he do this to me without fearing retribution?"

As she spoke, the woman began to cry inconsolably on the other end.

Hearing this, Gu Nanyan didn't need to ask to know that this must be about another argument with her husband over the divorce.

With the phone in one hand and pouring herself a glass of water with the other, Gu Nanyan comforted, "Sister Qiao, things have come this far, and we've already done our best. We tried, we gave, and we attempted to save this marriage, but if Mr. Zeng still doesn't want to continue, then we must think rationally. We should fight for the most substantial economic benefits for ourselves, as you didn't have it easy all these years."

At Gu Nanyan's words, Lu Beicheng looked up at her.