You're a Scoundrel

"Assistant," Alex suddenly called out towards the door.

"Yes, sir." Monica, the assistant waiting outside, quickly entered the conference room, her high heels clicking on the floor. She nodded respectfully. "At your service."

"Find someone to investigate Thomas thoroughly. His company, his relationships, and his family. Report everything back to me."

"Understood." Monica nodded and swiftly exited, wasting no time.

Alex leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting to the bustling streets below, deep in thought.

"Aren't you done with your meeting yet?" Mark's voice sounded from the conference room door, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching.

Hearing his wife's voice, Alex's face lit up with a smile, his gaze shifting from the window.

Are you really that happy to see me? Mark thought as he approached Alex. He muttered to himself but didn't say it out loud. He just thought Alex was a bit crazy. After all, he was a man, yet Alex seemed so delighted to see him.

I'm beginning to think Belle's escape was a good decision. This guy might be a lunatic. Mark's mouth twitched. He had no other opinion of Alex besides thinking he was insane. After all, no one else in this era would marry a man so openly, yet Alex had done just that, seemingly eager to announce it to the world.

"What's up? Feeling lonely by yourself?" Alex gestured for Mark to come closer.

As if I'd sit on your lap. Mark rolled his eyes, speaking disdainfully, "I don't have a habit of sitting on other men's laps."

"How could it be another man? I'm your husband, after all," Alex replied, as if expecting Mark's rejection. He just smiled, watching Mark stand in front of him without pushing him further.

He may be a man, but his skin is so good it makes me want to take a bite. Alex stared at Mark, unable to take his eyes off him.

What's with this guy? Staring at me without saying anything. Mark frowned in displeasure. Alex often did this, smiling creepily at him without doing anything else.

Damn it, Mark, are you expecting him to do something to you? Mark almost choked on his own thoughts, wanting to slap himself, his face darkening.

"Lean down," Alex said, smiling charmingly and gesturing for Mark to come closer.

"What for?" Mark didn't like Alex's tone of command, so he didn't move.

"If you don't lean down, I'll make you sit on my lap," Alex said with an innocent smile, but his tone was provoking.

Mark clenched his fists, forcing himself to remain calm. If he didn't control himself, he might just smash Alex's head in.

Damn pervert. For the sake of that one hundred million, I'll tolerate you. Mark's rationality once again succumbed to the lure of money. He reluctantly leaned down towards Alex, ready to angrily ask if it was enough, but before he could speak, Alex quickly leaned up and kissed him, smiling wickedly.

Mark blinked in shock, completely stunned. It took him a moment to react, quickly covering his mouth and stepping back. "You, you, you… What was that for?"

He pointed at Alex, angrily accusing him, his face turning bright red.

Alex crossed his legs the other way, resting his chin on his hand, and smiled mischievously. "I just wanted to see your reaction. Didn't expect you to be so excited."

The smirk on Alex's face became even more pronounced. He truly enjoyed teasing Mark. After just battling with the board members, Mark's presence was a welcome distraction, helping him relax.

Indeed, keeping him around was the right choice. He's serving his purpose well right now. Alex felt grateful for choosing to keep Mark close.

"You, you… How dare you laugh? You're a scoundrel! Ambushing people like that, you're no better than a beast." Mark angrily wiped his mouth, shouting furiously, both angry and embarrassed.

Alex continued to smile shamelessly, leaning on the conference table. "How could it be an ambush? Didn't I ask you to cooperate by leaning down?"

"Who knew you were planning that? You're shameless, not even human," Mark yelled louder and louder, his voice turning into a shout by the end.

Alex found his fierce yet adorable demeanor amusing, thoroughly enjoying the scene.

Though noisy, it's quite lively. Alex thought with a smile.

He suddenly pulled Mark into his arms. Mark was startled, immediately struggling. "Let go, you jerk."

"Be good, darling," Alex whispered, tightening his hold as Mark flailed, even hitting Alex in the face, causing him to wince.

Despite being smaller, Mark was strong. His blows hurt.

## Chapter 28: Mark Keeps Blushing

"How can anyone be good when you're like this? Let me go," Mark fumed, looking like an angry bird, adorably fierce.

"I'll pay you more. I'll pay you more, just don't move," Alex finally resorted to bribing Mark. If Mark kept struggling, he might accidentally punch him in the eye, causing unnecessary misunderstandings. Worse, people might think he was afraid of his wife or that he was being beaten by her. That would ruin his reputation.

"You think money can solve everything?" Mark cursed, feeling infuriated.

"I'll pay a thousand for a hug and two thousand for a kiss," Alex offered a price, leaning back to avoid getting hit by Mark.

He's like a wild horse. His strength is overwhelming. Alex was finding it hard to handle Mark, struggling to control him.

Mark, who was struggling intensely, paused when he heard the offer. A thousand for a hug and two thousand for a kiss sounded tempting.

He takes advantage of me all the time anyway, and I can't stop him. If I don't take the money, I'd be losing out for nothing. Thinking this, Mark grabbed Alex's collar, frowning. "Are you serious? Will you really give me the money?"

Mark had fallen into the trap, much like Howard, being driven by money.

Seeing Mark calm down, Alex sighed in relief. Mark's temper was indeed hard to handle. However, Alex was also cautious not to hurt Mark, fearing it might lead to unwanted rumors.

"Didn't you hear me? Are you regretting offering that much now?" Mark tightened his grip on Alex's collar, getting angrier.

Alex almost laughed out loud. He replied, "Your husband is rich. I won't regret a few thousand."

"Being rich doesn't make you special," Mark retorted, though he couldn't deny the allure of money. He needed it. His parents seemed to have some debts, and though they never told him the details, he suspected it was a significant amount. He didn't ask before because he couldn't help, and it would only worry them. But now, if he could earn money from Alex, he had to seize the opportunity.

Half a year might not be enough. It feels like I won't make much. Mark thought, feeling a bit regretful about agreeing to pretend to be Alex's wife for only six months. If it were a year, he might earn more to help his parents.

Although he had over a hundred million, he still felt insecure. Such a good opportunity to earn money might not come again, and he could use the funds to start a small business.

His parents were often unresponsive, not answering calls or texts. They must be in trouble. Mark worried, his parents had been like this for the past two years, rarely communicating with him.

No matter how busy making money, they should take care of themselves first. Mark sighed, feeling helpless. He hadn't seen his parents in three years and had no idea how they were doing.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, noticing Mark's sigh while sitting on his lap. He gently touched Mark's face, concerned.

Mark hesitated before asking, "You must have ways to investigate people. Can you help me find my parents?"

"You don't know where they are?" Alex was puzzled.

Howard had investigated, but not in depth. Does my wife's family have some secrets?

"I know the city they are in, running a street food stall. But I don't know their exact location. They haven't come to see me in three years," Mark's voice grew softer as he spoke. He then made a promise, "If you help me find them, I won't charge you for hugs and kisses anymore."

Mark felt he had to offer something in return, knowing Alex was a businessman who wouldn't make a loss.

Alex pinched Mark's cheek. "Finding my in-laws is my duty. How could I charge you?"

Hearing "in-laws" made Mark's face flush. He immediately retorted, "They're not your in-laws. Stop claiming them."

Is he eyeing my parents now too? Mark felt a bit scared, sensing that the more Alex controlled, the harder it was for him to escape.

"But you're my wife, right?"

"That's… that's fake," Mark blushed even more.

"Fake or not, they're still my in-laws, right?"

Mark was speechless. He couldn't argue with that logic.

Damn it, he's too good with words. Unable to outtalk Alex, Mark felt frustrated and his heart raced. Perhaps it was because Alex agreed to help him that he felt a bit happy.

"You're not that bad after all," Mark said, blushing. He was embarrassed, so he looked away while speaking softly. But Alex heard him clearly.

Alex raised an eyebrow, feeling pleasantly surprised. So, my wife is easy to please. If I help him more, will he open his heart to me?

Alex had a plan. He'd make Mark owe him favors. The more Mark owed, the more legitimate his hugs and kisses would become.

"Why do I feel like you're up to no good?" Mark, sensing

 something, frowned and scrutinized Alex.

Alex immediately smiled, holding Mark's waist. "How could I be? I'm just thinking about how to find your parents."

"Really?" Mark's frown deepened, still doubtful.

"Of course." Alex's reply was calm and collected.

But for some reason, Mark still felt uneasy. Am I overthinking it?

Mark questioned himself but couldn't shake off the feeling, maintaining a suspicious attitude.