Softened Towards Him

Rick looked innocent after being yelled at. "I didn't mean anything. I just wanted you to look at my face properly. You always ignore me, don't you?"

"Why would I look at your face? Do you want me to smash it?" Howard struggled to break free, but Rick held his hands above his head, making it impossible to escape.

What on earth did this kid eat growing up? He's younger than me, yet he's taller and stronger. Damn it!

The more Howard thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He felt inferior to Rick, which is why Rick could easily overpower him.

"Let go," Howard demanded, using his legs since his hands were immobilized. But as soon as he tried to kick Rick, Rick pinned him against the wall, leaving no room for escape.

"Rick!" Howard's anger flared up, and he felt like he was going to explode.

"I'll let you go, but you have to agree to one condition," Rick said with a smile.

"Absolutely not," Howard retorted, continuing to struggle. But Rick's strength was too much; he was completely pinned, unable to fight back.

At this moment, Howard cursed himself for being lazy and not exercising more. He should have been running more often to avoid being overpowered by Rick.

"I haven't even told you what the condition is, and you're already rejecting me?" Rick pretended to be hurt.

"I can tell it's not going to be anything proper. You can't spit anything decent out of your mouth. Even with your knee on my chest, I know you have no good intentions," Howard snapped, glaring at Rick who was inches away.

"Can you stop thinking of me as such a bad guy? I just want to wait for you to get off work and take you home," Rick explained, looking genuinely wronged.

"Is that so? And you're willing to send me home?" Howard said skeptically.

Rick was slightly embarrassed because he had come to help Alex, but it wasn't a lie to say he also wanted to see Howard. Helping Alex had just taken precedence today.

"Full of lies," Howard grumbled, using all his strength to kick Rick in the stomach, finally breaking free.

Rick winced in pain, wondering if his ribs might be broken. He clutched his stomach, his face turning pale, and leaned against the wall, unable to stand up straight.

"Still pretending?" Howard thought Rick was faking it to gain sympathy and stood coldly, glaring at Rick.

"It's not pretending. It really hurts," Rick said with difficulty, his voice strained. It seemed genuine, which surprised Howard.

Usually, no matter how hard Howard hit Rick, he never seemed affected. But today, Rick seemed unusually weak.

Just as Howard was contemplating if Rick was truly in pain, Alex's message arrived. Checking his phone, Howard read: "That kid got into a car accident this morning rushing to help me. It's not too serious, but he's likely injured. Be gentle when you hit him; we don't want any casualties."

Howard frowned, annoyed. "Couldn't you have told me earlier?" he grumbled, putting his phone away and looking at Rick, who was clutching his stomach and grimacing.

Howard didn't want to help Rick, but seeing him in pain pricked his conscience.

"I must owe you from a past life," Howard muttered, helping Rick up despite his annoyance.

Rick was surprised and looked up at Howard, dumbfounded.

"What are you looking at? Want me to poke your eyes out?" Howard snapped, holding back his temper.

Rick, despite being scolded, smiled sweetly, unable to control the upward curve of his lips. He had anticipated Howard's reaction to his injury and informed Alex beforehand. Alex must have told Howard about the accident, leading to this change in attitude.

Thanks, brother. It was worth running back from abroad to help you out, Rick thought, pleased with himself. The condition he set for helping Alex was that Alex should create opportunities for him to be alone with Howard, and Alex had delivered.

"Sit here obediently. I'll go get some ice for your injury," Howard said, guiding Rick to an empty reception room and seating him on the sofa. He turned to leave but was immediately stopped by Rick gripping his wrist tightly.

Howard's veins bulged in irritation. What is this kid up to now? He turned back angrily. "Don't push me to call the police."

"Don't, please. I just wanted to tell you there's no need to get ice. I just need to rest a bit," Rick quickly surrendered, knowing Howard would actually call the police.

Howard stayed silent, scrutinizing Rick suspiciously.

"Do you really not trust me?" Rick sighed, though he quickly yanked Howard onto the sofa beside him, shamelessly leaning in.

Damn it, I shouldn't have softened towards this brat. He's just a scoundrel. Howard felt a surge of regret, hating himself for letting his guard down.

"Don't be mad. I really won't do anything. I just wanted to see your face. I missed you so much over the past month," Rick said, his voice genuinely soft.

Howard, suddenly quiet, wasn't as agitated. Perhaps he realized Rick wasn't lying. 

"You're heavy. Get up," Howard eventually said, pushing Rick off him.

Rick smiled wider, knowing Howard was gradually softening towards him. Howard didn't kick him this time, which was progress. 

Rick gently kissed Howard on the lips, just a light peck, then intertwined their fingers.

Howard frowned, about to scold Rick, but didn't pull his hand away. Maybe he didn't dislike Rick as much as he thought.

Rick tried to lean in for a deeper kiss, but Howard turned his head away, still not resisting but looking at the nearby coffee table in silence, biting his lip.

Rick didn't feel rejected. If Howard truly wanted to reject him, he would've kicked him, not just turned away. 

After five years, Howard was finally not pushing him away or slapping him. Rick smiled, knowing Howard's cold heart was slowly melting.

"Darling, if you don't push me away, things might get dangerous," Rick said playfully.

Howard glared at Rick. "If I push you away, will you let me go?"

"Of course not," Rick replied with a mischievous grin.

"Then why are you talking nonsense?" Howard was annoyed but didn't struggle, just glared coldly at Rick.

"Don't be mad, you'll age faster," Rick teased with a smile. He reached out to touch Howard's face, removing his glasses and revealing Howard's captivating eyes.

Howard wasn't really nearsighted; he just wore glasses to hide his eyes. 

"You still have such beautiful eyes," Rick said, his fingers gently brushing Howard's eyelids, a smile forming on his lips.

Howard snatched his glasses back, putting them on. He felt safer with his eyes hidden behind lenses.

"Shouldn't you see a doctor for your taste?" Howard grumbled.

"I don't need a doctor. My taste is perfect. My darling is just so handsome," Rick responded, taking off Howard's glasses again, staring into his eyes.

"Are you nuts?" Howard tried to retrieve his glasses, but Rick held them high, out of reach.

"Rick," Howard growled, his anger rising.

"Promise to let me take you home after work, or no glasses," Rick said, holding the glasses higher.

"Why are you so insistent on taking me home? What are you plotting?" Howard asked, trying to control his temper.

"What could I possibly plot? I just want to take the person I like home," Rick said, feigning innocence.

You scoundrel, you're not a good person. Howard felt like slapping Rick.

"If you don't agree, I'll break your glasses," Rick threatened, pretending to snap them.

"Fine, I give up!" Howard conceded. He didn't want to be without his glasses.

Rick had anticipated this, using the glasses as leverage. He won.

"How long do you plan to pin me down?" Howard demanded, finally getting his glasses back and immediately kicking Rick.

Rick dodged, getting off Howard obediently. Howard glared at him, then put his glasses back on.

Rick seized the moment to hug Howard from behind, resting his chin on Howard's shoulder. "Alex invited us to lunch. He wants to introduce his wife to me."

"Why are you telling me? Go yourself," Howard snapped, still cleaning his glasses.

"Damn it, they're covered in his fingerprints," Howard grumbled.

"It's both of us, not just me. You have to come with me," Rick said, tightening his hold on Howard's waist and kissing his neck.

Howard stiffened and elbowed Rick, "I'm giving you one last warning!"

How dare he take advantage of me like this!

"Ow, I'm injured from the car accident. Take it easy," Rick pleaded.

Howard was about to elbow him again but held back, worried Rick might use the injury as an excuse to cling to him.

They didn't know that someone outside the reception room was peeking through the door, recording their intimate moment with a phone.

The man recording smirked, "Howard, you pervert, and Rick, the ladies' man, is actually gay. This is big news."

"As soon as this video gets out, Rick's reputation will be ruined. And you, Howard, what will you do?" The man leered at Howard's waist and long legs.

"So slutty. No wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend. Turns out he's Rick's private toy," he muttered, licking his lips.

Rick, sensing someone watching, glanced at the door. The man panicked and ran, almost tripping over himself.

"What are you looking at?" Howard pushed Rick away and looked outside.

"Nothing, I thought someone was watching us,"

 Rick replied honestly.

"Was I imagining things?" Rick murmured to himself.

Howard immediately pushed Rick away, opened the door angrily, but found no one outside. He looked down the hallway, but it was empty.

Howard started to doubt his own judgment. If someone was there, they must have run away.

"Anyone out there?" Rick asked, peeking outside.

"If there was someone, they ran by now. I already looked," Rick scratched his head, annoyed at himself for fooling around in the office. If trouble arose, it wouldn't be a problem for him, but Howard hated being involved in messy situations.

"Let's go eat. I probably imagined it," Rick reassured Howard.

Howard clenched his fists, feeling uneasy.

Let's hope Rick is just being paranoid. If someone saw us, who knows what rumors will start.