Look at Me

"Why are you whispering behind my back, wife? Is there something I shouldn't hear?" Alex directed his words at Mark but his warning glare was clearly aimed at Kyle.

Kyle quickly shook his head, indicating he hadn't said anything. 

Alex's suspicious, menacing gaze bore into Kyle, exuding an overwhelming intimidation. 

Kyle swallowed hard and instinctively hid behind Mark, burying his head to avoid looking at Alex.

"Why are you scaring Kyle? Are you insane?" Mark defended Kyle and scolded Alex harshly.

"Innocent, wife. I did nothing." Alex raised his hands in surrender, maintaining a harmless expression.

"Really?" Mark's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Of course, really," Alex responded, looking righteous and sincere despite the clear threat he'd just issued to Kyle.

Mark was fooled, letting out a huff. "If you bully Kyle, I'll beat you to death."

Alex frowned, increasingly irritated by Mark's concern for Kyle. If this continued, he'd have no place in Mark's life.

Suddenly, Alex beamed, "Indeed, it's best for cousin to marry soon."

Though smiling, Alex's expression made Kyle feel as though a sword hung over his head.

"What about your uncle? Didn't you say you'd introduce him to Kyle? Have you contacted him?" Mark scrutinized Alex, suspicious.

Alex smoothly bent down, scooping Mark into his arms. He kissed Mark on the lips before answering, "I'll call my uncle later. No need to rush."

"I'm not in a hurry. I just want Kyle to meet someone nice and forget that scumbag." Mark mumbled, deflecting.

Suddenly, he froze and angrily slapped Alex's face away, cursing, "Who gave you permission to kiss me, you damn bastard?"

"My bad, my bad, wife. Be gentle." Alex immediately begged for mercy, feeling the sting on his face.

Kyle watched, feeling envious. Despite Mark's constant irritation, it was evident he didn't truly dislike Alex—he was just venting.

Feeling down, Kyle headed to the bathroom to wash up, avoiding further confrontation as the scene made him uncomfortable.

When Mark turned back after dealing with Alex, he noticed Kyle was gone. Seeing the bathroom door, he realized Kyle was inside, washing up.

"He seems off," Mark noted.

"Oh, by the way, I need a driver for Kyle and me. We're going out later." Mark said to Alex, who still held him.

"Where to?" Alex inquired, concerned about Mark's safety.

"Shopping. Is that a problem?" Mark replied confidently.

"Of course not." Alex smiled and kissed Mark again.

"I told you to stop kissing me!" Mark pushed Alex away, blushing.

"Because you don't hate it, wife!" Alex teased, his smile never fading.

"Who says I don't hate it? You never give me a chance to!" Mark scolded, still blushing.

Afraid of pushing too far, Alex set Mark down and handed him a card.

"Why give me a card?" Mark asked, not taking it.

"You said you're going shopping."

"I have money! Didn't you give me over ten million when we signed the contract?" Mark protested.

"That was your payment. This is what I want to give you. Buy whatever you like without worrying about the cost." Alex said generously.

Mark felt guilty since he wasn't actually going shopping but planning a kidnapping. Fearing Alex might suspect him and forbid him from going out, he accepted the card.

Seeing Mark accept the card, Alex was visibly pleased and kissed Mark again.

"I said stop kissing me!" Mark avoided Alex, embarrassed and his heart racing.

Oh no, I'm starting to lose my resistance to Alex.

Mark touched his racing heart, his breath quickening, and his face turning redder.

Alex, noticing Mark's flushed state, felt a surge of desire. He swiftly pinned Mark against the wall, gazing down at him.

Startled, Mark wanted to scold Alex, but Alex's intense expression stopped him. It wasn't his usual playful look—it was something more serious.

Understanding Alex's intent, Mark's face reddened further, his heart pounding uncontrollably. He nervously looked away, unable to meet Alex's gaze, gripping the card tightly.

"Wife, look at me," Alex's deep voice rumbled above Mark.

"Don't look. Move away." Mark pushed Alex, increasingly flustered.

Alex didn't budge, instead intertwining his fingers with Mark's. 

Mark was so nervous he felt like his heart would leap out of his chest. He bit his lip, trying to calm down.

Damn it, Mark, stay calm. Don't let your heart race like this.

Despite his self-admonishments, Alex's touch made his heart race even faster.

Alex could feel Mark's embarrassment and shyness, which made him smile even more. He had expected Mark to react violently, but instead, he was blushing and avoiding eye contact.

Does this mean that to my wife, I'm no longer just a stranger, but someone who can make him nervous?

"Let go! Didn't you hear me?" Mark's voice was soft, almost pleading, his face red and his body tense.

Alex, without any sudden moves, tightened his grip on Mark's hand and leaned closer, his voice low and seductive, "Be good, wife. Look at your husband."

The words were coaxing, almost magical, and Mark couldn't resist. He hesitated but eventually looked up at Alex, his eyes filled with nervousness and a bit of shyness.

"Good boy." Alex's smile was full of tenderness as he rewarded Mark with a kiss on the lips.

Mark instinctively tightened his grip on Alex's hand, the sensation of their fingers entwined making him feel dizzy. Under Alex's guidance, he found himself standing on tiptoe.

Seeing Mark's reaction, Alex's smile widened. He lifted Mark off the ground, deepening the kiss.

Mark, overwhelmed by Alex's fervor, felt breathless and soon went limp in his arms, gasping for air.

Alex looked at Mark, who was leaning against him, red-faced and panting. He gave him another quick kiss.

Mark immediately covered his mouth, looking at Alex in confusion and embarrassment, his ears turning bright red.

"Do you hate me kissing you?" Alex asked with a smile.

Mark wanted to say yes, but he couldn't find the words. After a long pause, he mumbled softly, "Not hate, but why do you keep kissing me? I'm not really your wife."

"So, can I take this as you wanting to be my real wife?" Alex teased, smiling mischievously.

"Of course not! When did I say that? You're just assuming things!" Mark retorted, his voice flustered and defensive.

Alex found Mark's reaction adorable and decided that he needed to kiss him more often. This way, Mark would constantly be reminded of their relationship.

"So, why are you still looking at me? Stop looking." Mark said, flustered, as he covered Alex's eyes with his hand, his face turning redder.

The sensation on his lips still lingered, making him even more embarrassed.

Damn it, Mark, you really are crazy. You didn't push him away, and you even went along with it.

Reflecting on what just happened, Mark's face turned crimson, steam practically coming out of his head.

Mark, feeling utterly embarrassed, moved his hand from Alex's eyes to his own face, covering it.

Damn, I can't face anyone now.

Mark was utterly mortified, his entire body turning red.

"If you're this shy now, what will you do in the future?" Alex teased with a smile.

"I'll never agree, so just give up!" Mark immediately retorted, his voice low and embarrassed.

"Oh, so I'll find someone else?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you dare," Mark glared at Alex, grabbing his collar angrily.

Finally, he's looking at me.

Though teasing him was fun, it felt incomplete when Mark wasn't looking at him. Seeing him all riled up and adorable was just perfect.

Alex, as if to provoke Mark further, smiled even more broadly.

"You're provoking me and still dare to find someone else? I'll break your neck." Mark threatened, making a slicing motion across his throat.

Find someone else? Does he think I'm just anyone?

Watching Mark's threats, Alex found him even more endearing.

"Why are you silent? Are you really planning to find someone else?" Mark fumed, yanking Alex's collar harder.

"Why would I find someone else? One of you is enough to handle. Finding another would be a waste of time," Alex laughed, setting Mark down and stealing another kiss.

Mark didn't get angry. Instead, he pondered the meaning behind Alex's words. The more he thought, the more he frowned, feeling unhappy.

"You mean I'm disobedient and troublesome?"

Damn it, he prefers well-behaved spouses, doesn't he?

No wonder he kept staring at Kyle yesterday.

Mark felt a surge of jealousy, thinking Alex liked the obedient type like Kyle.

That scoundrel, eating from the bowl while looking at the pot.

Frustrated, Mark kicked Alex and huffed downstairs.