Blushing and Flustered

Buzz, buzz, buzz…

Richa's phone vibrated in his pocket. With a calm expression, he took it out and saw that it was his nephew calling again.

"What is it?" His deep voice betrayed no emotion.

"Make some time and do me a favor," the person on the other end said, followed by the sound of a car door closing.

Richa remained silent, waiting for the person to continue. His nephew seemed to anticipate this, and after entering the building, he added, "My wife is way too attached to her cousin. Can you help me deal with him?"

"What do you think I am, a charity?" Richa's voice was cold as he flatly refused.

"You're really not going to help? He's just your type," his nephew teased, sounding casual and cheeky despite addressing Richa as "uncle."

"Not interested," Richa rejected bluntly and hung up the phone.

Kyle, who had been watching Richa take the call, was left puzzled. This was the first time he had seen Richa show any sign of impatience while on the phone. Judging by the tone, they seemed close—could it be a friend? But Richa doesn't seem to have many friends, apart from the driver who picks me up…

"Boss," Noah's voice interrupted as he knocked on the office door.

Richa didn't respond verbally but stood up to open the door.

Noah, holding a bag of breakfast, handed it to Richa as soon as the door opened. "I've reheated it for you."

"Mm," Richa acknowledged coldly.

Noah lingered, glancing into the office where his eyes met Kyle's. Kyle immediately lowered his head, nervously staring at his hands like a child caught doing something wrong.

"Schedule less work for this afternoon," Richa instructed as he took the breakfast, then opened the door wider, signaling with his chin for Noah to enter and clean up the mess on the desk.

Noah's face twitched in annoyance as he noticed the scattered files and papers on the floor. What am I, a janitor now? he thought sarcastically but didn't dare refuse. Rolling up his sleeves, he obediently went over to the desk and started tidying up.

"N-no, I can do it myself!" Kyle stammered, flustered as he jumped up to help. But before he could get far, Richa effortlessly scooped him up with one arm and set him back down on the sofa.

"Sit tight."

"But it's our mess; we should clean it up, not him," Kyle protested, feeling a bit embarrassed as his face flushed slightly.

"Don't worry. I've already taken care of what needed cleaning," Richa reassured Kyle, gently ruffling his hair.

"That's… good, then," Kyle muttered, his face still tinged with red, as he sat back down obediently, avoiding Richa's gaze.

Richa placed the breakfast on the coffee table and sat down beside Kyle. He opened a box of dumplings, but instead of eating first, he picked one up and held it out to Kyle.

Kyle was caught off guard by the gesture, his face flushing as he shyly opened his mouth to accept the dumpling, covering his mouth with his hand as he cautiously chewed. His wide, doe-like eyes remained fixed on Richa.

This was the first time Kyle had ever sat down to eat breakfast with Richa after… well, after anything. Normally, Richa was always busy, disappearing early each day before Kyle woke up. When Kyle did wake up, it was always Noah who came to pick him up, with Richa nowhere in sight. Though Kyle never said anything, he often sat on the bed, clutching the blankets and feeling a sense of loneliness.

So now, this whole situation felt surreal. Richa was being so gentle, and Kyle wasn't used to it.

As Kyle drifted off into thought, Richa reached out and wiped a bit of oil from Kyle's lips, then brought his finger to his own mouth to taste it. Kyle's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and he quickly looked down, flustered and embarrassed.

He… he doesn't mind that it's dirty? Kyle's thoughts were all over the place, and he felt even more lost as his face continued to burn.

"Have another one," Richa said softly, offering Kyle another dumpling.

Kyle nervously opened his mouth to take the dumpling, obediently eating it as his face remained flushed.

Richa continued to watch Kyle intently, then began to lean in.

Kyle, alarmed, quickly covered Richa's mouth with his hand, worried that Noah was still in the room.

Richa seemed unfazed, but Kyle shook his head frantically, too embarrassed to let things go further in front of Noah. Despite his efforts, he couldn't stop Richa.

Meanwhile, Noah, who was cleaning up the desk, really wanted to punch someone. I get it, you haven't seen Kyle in a month and you're eager, but can't you wait until I'm gone? he cursed silently.

Already in a foul mood, Noah was further annoyed when his phone buzzed with a new message. Irritated, he pulled out his phone, ready to snap at whoever was bothering him. But when he saw the contents of the message, his eyes widened. It was a photo of him wearing an eye mask, his hands bound.


Noah's teeth clenched in fury as he gripped his phone tightly.

A second notification chimed—another photo, this time of him lying facedown, the camera capturing everything.

That bastard.

Noah was about to explode. He had no idea Feder had taken these photos. Hastily finishing up the cleanup, he stormed out of the office and headed for the smoking room.

Slamming the door behind him, Noah furiously dialed Feder's number and barked, "What the hell are you trying to do?!"

Back at his home, lounging on the sofa with his feet propped up, Feder puffed on a cigarette, a smile playing on his lips as he listened to Noah's angry outburst.

"I just wanted to share my photography skills with you," Feder replied, his tone dripping with mockery. "How do you like it? Don't you think I captured you better than any of those manga characters?"

His voice was low, laced with amusement and wickedness.

"Feder!" Noah shouted, his face red with anger.

"Don't yell. I'm not deaf," Feder said lazily, exhaling a cloud of smoke toward the ceiling. The angrier Noah got, the more entertained Feder seemed.

"What do you want?" Noah demanded again, his voice filled with frustration and clenched fury.

"You know where I live. Come over," Feder said, sitting up and stubbing out his cigarette, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

"What if I don't?" Noah gritted out through clenched teeth.

Feder chuckled. "If you don't, it's no big deal. I'll just be kind enough to send these photos to Richa."

"You…" Noah was left speechless with a mix of anger and panic. Damn it. He punched the wall in frustration, but he knew he had no choice.

"An hour. Don't be late," Feder said before hanging up. Rising from the sofa, he stepped over the bodies of women passed out on the floor as he made his way to the bathroom. Most of them were barely dressed, their curves barely contained by skimpy outfits. Despite their beauty, they were all unconscious, surrounded by dozens of empty liquor bottles, the room reeking of alcohol.

As the sound of running water filled the bathroom, one of the women, who had been pretending to sleep, quietly got up and tiptoed toward the bathroom. She covered her mouth to stifle her excitement, gently opening the door and slipping inside. Once there, she happily embraced Feder from behind.

But Feder's expression immediately darkened. He turned to glare at her with a chilling, murderous look in his eyes.

The woman froze, her excitement turning to fear as she quickly let go of him, trembling.

What's going on? Doesn't he like women? How can he look at me like that?

"Do you want me to throw you out from the fifteenth floor, or will you get out on your own?" Feder growled, gripping her chin with terrifying force, his gaze menacing.

"I-I'll go on my own!" The woman's face turned pale with fright, and she quickly fled the bathroom in a panic.