Hubby Acted Cute

"Did you start investigating my parents' situation?" Mark asked, suspicion lacing his voice as he looked at Alex, who was holding him close by the waist.

"Howard has already sent someone to investigate. It might take a day or two," Alex replied, nuzzling Mark's back and placing gentle kisses on the nape of his neck.

Mark felt a wave of disappointment. He had thought that with Alex's resources, the investigation would yield results quickly.

Noticing Mark's low spirits, Alex peeled another orange and handed it to him, saying, "Don't worry. We'll find them."

"I'm just scared something might have happened to them," Mark mumbled, staring down at the peeled orange in his hand. He hadn't seen his parents for three years, and each phone call they had was brief and rushed. Recently, he hadn't even heard his father's voice—his mother always answered, sounding hurried and anxious.

Alex didn't know much about Mark's parents, so he wasn't sure how to comfort him. He released Mark from his embrace and sent a message to Howard, instructing him to increase the payment to the detective agency if necessary, regardless of the cost.

Howard, who was in the break room, leaned against the counter, sipping tea as he read Alex's message. Seeing that it was yet again about Mark's parents, Howard frowned. Alex had already asked him multiple times about the investigation.

With no other options, Howard dialed the detective agency. "How is the investigation going?" he asked.

The detective on the other end, rubbing his tired eyes, replied with a yawn, "Who exactly are you having us investigate? They're really difficult to track down."

Howard assumed the detective was hinting at a need for more money, so he calmly responded, "An additional fifty thousand."

He said it as if it were nothing, sipping his tea indifferently—it wasn't his money, after all.

"It's not about the money. We just might not be able to help you with this case," the detective sighed.

Howard's expression remained unchanged. He simply said, "Another fifty thousand."

"It's really not about the money, it's just that—"

"Finish the job, and I'll add another hundred thousand," Howard cut him off, his gaze scanning the bustling street below the office window.

The detective was taken aback. Usually, he dealt with smaller cases and was happy with a fraction of that amount. This offer was staggering.

"So, can you take on the job?" Howard asked, his tone turning cold as he adjusted his glasses and took another sip of tea.

"Yes, yes, but I'll need more time," the detective quickly agreed, thrilled by the prospect.

"Two days at most. And tell me everything you know so far," Howard said, still sipping his tea as he leaned comfortably against the counter.

The detective hesitated before admitting, "Honestly, it's not about the money. The initial amount you offered was already generous, and I've been doing my best, but the information you provided doesn't match up."

"What do you mean it doesn't match up?" Howard asked, his brows knitting together.

"You mentioned that the couple we're looking for runs a food stall on Night Market Street in H City, right? But we couldn't find them. We asked around, and none of the vendors had ever seen a man named Ye selling food with his wife."

"You checked the whole street?" Howard pressed, frowning.

"Not just the street you mentioned. We also checked other food markets, but we couldn't find the couple you're looking for," the detective replied, scratching his head in frustration.

How could that be? Mark had given that address himself. Howard was perplexed. Could Mark have remembered wrong?

"But don't worry. I have some connections. It might cost more, but with the money you're offering, I'll make sure to get results. If I can't, you only need to pay half," the detective promised, sounding genuine.

"Fine," Howard agreed, ending the call. He frowned slightly. He hadn't anticipated this would be so difficult. Could it be that the couple was no longer alive? Howard shook off the thought—he didn't want to jump to conclusions without more information. He tossed the used tea bag into the trash and decided not to dwell on it.

Just as he was about to leave, Rick suddenly scooped him up and set him down on the counter.

Howard didn't need to guess who it was. His eyes narrowed coldly as he glared at Rick from behind his glasses.

"Do you think this is your home?" Howard snapped, kicking Rick in the stomach to make him move.

Rick didn't budge. Instead, he bent down, wrapping his arms around Howard and resting his head against Howard's neck. "Let me hold you for a bit," Rick murmured, his voice unusually subdued.

Rick was usually all over him, either kissing him aggressively or using his strength to overpower him. But this time, he seemed low on energy, which left Howard skeptical.

"What kind of game are you playing?" Howard asked, his annoyance clear.

"I'm not playing games. My grandmother almost got into a car accident today, and I'm just not in a great mood," Rick confessed, his voice muffled against Howard's neck, dispelling Howard's suspicions.

Howard stiffened. Could this accident have something to do with Rick helping Alex? 

"Just let me hold you for a bit. I'll let go once I'm recharged," Rick said, tightening his arms around Howard.

Howard frowned but didn't push Rick away. However, Rick soon took advantage of the situation, and Howard could feel him getting handsy. The frustration bubbled up inside him.

This damn kid.

Howard's patience snapped. He shoved Rick away with all his strength, but Rick's lips were already on his.

Rick was more forceful than usual, his kiss leaving Howard scowling in pain.

This jerk.

Howard managed to push Rick off and kicked him hard. He was livid, wiping at his mouth where he tasted blood.

"Sorry, are you okay?" Rick panicked, his hands flailing as he tried to check Howard for injuries.

"What do you think?" Howard seethed, his temper flaring.

Rick, in a surprising display, slapped himself hard across the face. Then he did it again.

Howard's eyes widened. "Are you out of your mind?"

He was torn between anger and concern. He didn't know whether to worry about Rick or be exasperated by him—or perhaps both.

Rick leaned his head against Howard's shoulder, his voice barely above a whisper. "My bad, that was my fault."

Howard was irritated, but Rick's remorseful tone made it hard for him to stay angry.

"Does it hurt?" Rick gently touched Howard's lip, his eyes filled with guilt.

Howard impatiently swatted Rick's hand away, not wanting to be touched.

Rick fell silent, his gaze downcast, sadness etched into his features. He didn't know what to do to make Howard like him. It had been five years, and he had tried everything, but Howard remained indifferent.

Rick tenderly cupped Howard's face and kissed his injured lip softly, all his earlier aggression replaced with gentleness.

Howard knew Rick didn't want to hurt him, but Rick's roughness was something he found hard to tolerate.

"I'm sorry," Rick apologized again, letting go of Howard's face.

Since the incident with his grandmother, Rick's emotions had been all over the place. He had hoped to lose himself in Howard, but he had pushed too hard.

"Is acting like a melodramatic fool supposed to help? Do you think that's going to protect me?" Howard asked harshly, not willing to coddle Rick.

Rick said nothing, merely lowering his head in silence. Maybe he had grown too accustomed to his peaceful life, and the sudden confrontation with his brothers had shaken him more than he cared to admit.

"You're right. How can I protect you if I fall apart?" Rick finally forced a smile, his hand tenderly caressing Howard's face, his eyes filled with affection.

Howard opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself. Maybe he wanted to ask Rick why he was so fixated on him, but he was suddenly afraid to hear the answer, afraid that knowing it might make him relent again. After all, they were from completely different worlds and were never meant to be together.

"Will you stay with me tonight? Just tonight," Rick asked softly, his face full of hope.

"I'm busy," Howard replied curtly, hopping off the counter and grabbing his cup, heading for the door.

But Rick was quick. He grabbed Howard's wrist, grinning mischievously as he gestured toward the door. "If you don't, I'll carry you out of here and take you back to your office."


Howard was furious. Just beyond the break room was the open office area.

"Just stay with me tonight. I promise I won't try anything," Rick vowed solemnly.

"I'd believe that as much as I'd believe pigs can fly," Howard spat, trying to leave, but he was stopped by the approach of several female employees carrying their coffee cups.

Seeing Howard, they politely nodded and greeted him.

Howard nodded back, expressionless, and stepped aside to let them pass.

"Thank you," the women said, entering the break room. Upon spotting Rick, their demeanor became even more enthusiastic. "Good day, Mr. Fan."

"Here to see our boss again?"

"Although, I doubt he'll have time for you—he's too busy doting on his wife."

"Right, right! He even carried his wife to the restroom earlier," they added with giggles.

"Really? Alex?" Rick feigned interest, chatting with the women while keeping his hand firmly

 entwined with Howard's.

Howard was seething. Rick was holding onto him like a damn trophy, leaving him with no option but to endure it.

But when one of the women inquired playfully if Rick had a girlfriend working in the company, his response caught everyone off guard.

Rick's smile grew, and he interlocked their fingers even tighter. "Not a girlfriend, actually. My wife works here."

"Your wife?" The women exchanged confused looks.

"You're joking, right?" one of them laughed nervously.

"Yeah, we've never heard anything about you being married!" another added.

Their expressions soured slightly, as each of them had harbored some hope of getting close to Rick.

"Ask Mr. Howard if you don't believe me. Right, Mr. Howard?" Rick responded with a mischievous grin, turning all eyes toward a scowling Howard.

Howard's face darkened considerably. He shot Rick a look that clearly said, *You must have a death wish.*

Rick responded by playfully tracing a single word into Howard's palm: *Pleasure.*

Howard's face turned even darker. Without a second thought, he kicked Rick square in the groin and stormed out of the break room, seething with anger.