Throwing Mark into the Sea to Feed the Fish

Kyle suddenly looked up and quietly asked Richa, "Should I go to the gym? I feel like I'm not very strong."

"There's no need. You're perfect the way you are," Richa replied, pulling Kyle's robe tighter around him, unconcerned about Kyle's physical strength.

But Kyle was concerned. He felt like he was always holding Richa back because of his lack of stamina.

"Exercise will give you muscles, and I don't like that," Richa added, almost offhandedly.

Kyle froze for a moment, then looked at Richa in confusion. Does he really like me because I'm soft, pale, and gentle? But doesn't that make me seem too feminine?

Richa noticed Kyle's puzzled expression and calmly explained, "Aren't my muscles enough for the both of us? No need for you to have them too."

It was as if Richa had become desensitized to muscles, having seen enough of them on the people around him—burly men with ripped abs. Kyle, on the other hand, was like a breath of fresh air, something pure and different.

"I was worried you might dislike me for not having muscles," Kyle hesitated, surprised to learn that Richa actually preferred him this way.

People usually pointed fingers at him, often commenting on his appearance. Over time, he started to believe that maybe something was wrong with him—why else would everyone treat him so poorly?

But ever since he met Richa, it was like his world had turned upside down. Instead of mockery, he received praise. People started calling him cute, and he began to experience something new: respect.

"Do you misunderstand your own appeal?" Richa asked seriously, his gaze steady on Kyle.

"My appeal? Me?" Kyle asked, dumbfounded, pointing at himself as if he couldn't believe he had heard correctly.

Clearly, he had no idea. His expression revealed everything. 

Richa's brow furrowed as he thought about how Kyle's timid personality must have been shaped by his environment, likely due to the mistreatment he had endured. Just thinking about it filled Richa with frustration, a flash of anger sparking in his eyes.

"That Mark… does he usually protect you like this?" Richa recalled how Mark had tried to protect Kyle by confronting him and was curious.

"We don't talk much, but whenever he sees me being bullied, he always helps me. Even though he doesn't say it outright, like when he purposely bumps into those people and scolds them for being in the way, I know he's trying to help me. He's just too embarrassed to admit it," Kyle explained.

"So you're often bullied?" Richa's voice turned cold, his eyes darkening.

Kyle bit his lip and nodded. Because of his appearance and personality, he was often subjected to malicious treatment. Although it rarely escalated to physical violence, the verbal abuse was sometimes even more hurtful.

Richa's expression grew even more severe, his silence becoming more intimidating.

Kyle quickly waved his hands and said, "But that was in the past. I'm fine now. They may still insult me, but they leave afterward, and I've gotten used to it."

"You shouldn't get used to that. You should stand up for yourself," Richa advised.

Kyle looked down, his voice filled with helplessness, "But I can't fight back. I'm not strong enough."

Richa opened his mouth to say something but stopped. He had forgotten that Kyle wasn't like him—Kyle was a gentle, fragile soul.

"I'll arrange for someone to protect you from now on," Richa conceded, realizing that he couldn't expect Kyle to defend himself.

"No, there's no need. I have Mark. We're getting along well now, and he'll protect me," Kyle said, feeling both flattered and determined to refuse Richa's offer.

Kyle kept mentioning Mark, which irked Richa. Why did Kyle always rely on Mark instead of coming to him?

Just then, Mark called.

Curious, Kyle answered, "What's up?"

They had only just parted that afternoon, so it was unusual for Mark to call so soon.

On the other end of the line, Mark explained, "It's about Alex's uncle. He wanted to introduce you to him."

Kyle had completely forgotten about that and quickly refused, "There's no need. I've already made up with Richa, so I don't need to go on a blind date."

"But he's already mentioned it to his uncle," Mark said, glancing at Alex, who was toying with his hair and leaning lazily against the car door, smiling at him.

This is not good!

Hearing this, Kyle panicked. He glanced at Richa nervously before hurrying to the balcony to continue the conversation in private.

Richa's expression turned icy. How dare Mark suggest Kyle go on a blind date? Richa had just started to think more positively about Mark, but now all he wanted to do was throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

"Can you just calm down for a second?" Mark was growing increasingly frustrated with Alex, who kept fidgeting and bothering him while he was on the phone. He slapped Alex's hand away and glared at him.

This man is impossible! Can't he sit still for even a minute?

Mark was on the verge of losing it—not because he wanted to, but because Alex was being insufferable.

"If you touch me again, I'll break your fingers," Mark threatened angrily, his tone sharp.

Alex, rubbing his reddened hand, laughed, "So rough. It's not cute at all."

"Cute, my ass," Mark shot back, flipping Alex off with a scowl.

If you don't find me cute, go find someone who is!

Mark felt a surge of anger and resentment, his gaze fixed on Alex. 

Alex had intentionally provoked Mark to see if he would get angry, and he was pleased with the result.

"Come sit here," Alex patted his thigh, smiling.

"Who the hell wants to sit there? No way," Mark grumbled, cursing under his breath.

"Come on, be good," Alex coaxed, patting his thigh again, his smile widening.

"I said no. Are you deaf?" Mark pushed Alex away, but it was no use. A moment later, Alex had him on his lap, holding him tightly by the waist.

"Alex!" Mark shouted in frustration.

Howard, who was driving, winced as Mark's voice pierced his ears.

But Alex seemed oblivious, resting his head on Mark's shoulder, smiling sweetly as he kissed the back of Mark's neck.

Mark was startled, his irritation spiking.

Damn it, this man is crazy! Howard is right here! Is he out of his mind?

Mark tried to pry Alex's hands off his waist, but it was futile.

Howard, adjusting his glasses, warned them, "Do what you want, but don't distract me. I can't afford to be responsible if we crash."

"Who's showing off? Are you blind? It's your boss, that animal, who's all over me," Mark retorted, pushing at the head resting on his shoulder, but Alex only used the opportunity to kiss him again.

This bastard!

Mark was about to lose his mind.

"You did say you wanted to ask Kyle about the blind date. Now that the call is connected, why aren't you talking? What's your deal?" Mark snapped, turning to Alex.

"Why don't you just tell him? I'm confident my uncle is a great match. He's way better than that scumbag of a man Kyle is with now," Alex said lazily, kissing Mark's neck again.

Mark was about to explode from frustration. Alex was heavy, and no matter how much he tried, he couldn't push him off.

Knowing he couldn't win, Mark glared at Alex before finally relenting and speaking to Kyle, who was still waiting on the line. "We're just worried about you. You don't have to meet him if you don't want to."

"I won't. Please apologize to him on my behalf," Kyle said firmly.

"No worries. If you don't want to, then don't," Mark said, not too concerned. He thought Richa seemed like a decent guy who treated Kyle well.

Just as Mark was about to hang up, there was a sudden, violent crash. Their car had been hit, and Mark was thrown against the car door.

His eyes widened in horror as he saw shards of glass flying toward him. Fearing the worst, he instinctively covered his head, certain that he was about to be seriously injured.

But instead of pain, he felt strong arms wrap around him, shielding him.

Mark blinked in confusion, his mind struggling to process what had happened. Something warm and wet dripped onto the back of his neck. He reached up to touch it, pulling his hand back to find it covered in blood.

His pupils dilated in shock.