Darling, Let's Go Home Right Now

"Why didn't I just let you die in the crash?" Mark grumbled, clearly irritated.

"Would you really have the heart to do that?" Alex immediately responded with a smile, his mood visibly lifted.

"Who… who says I wouldn't? If you died, what's that got to do with me?" Mark retorted quickly, though his face turned red, and he stammered slightly.

"Oh? So you really would let me die?" Alex teased, tightening his hold on Mark's waist and giving a playful squeeze under his shirt.

Mark, startled, quickly grabbed Alex's hand, his face flushing even more. He glanced nervously at Howard, only to meet his gaze. But instead of enjoying the spectacle, Howard coldly adjusted his glasses and made a sinister suggestion. "Even if you kill him, I won't interfere. At most, I'll just find a new boss."

Earlier that afternoon, Alex had called Rick to the company, and Howard had ended up being harassed by him. So Howard was still holding a grudge. However, as angry as he was, Howard found himself checking his phone, looking for any messages or missed calls. But the screen was disappointingly empty, which only irritated him further. 

He grumbled to himself, annoyed that Rick always clung to him when he didn't want to be bothered, but then disappeared without a trace when something important happened.

After shoving the phone back into his pocket in frustration, Howard couldn't shake a nagging feeling of unease. Rick had hurried out of the office that afternoon, not even stopping to see him, and only left a message with Monica saying he had gone home. 

Could something have happened on his end too? Howard wondered, feeling increasingly uneasy. He and Rick were both the youngest sons in their families, making them easy targets for their older brothers, who were determined to keep the family wealth to themselves. This was why Howard had distanced himself from the Huo family, choosing to live independently with his mother despite his love for money—he valued his life even more. He also feared that returning home would endanger his mother.

"You know it's illegal to kill someone, right?" Mark mumbled, rebuking Howard's earlier comment. The truth was, he couldn't bring himself to hit Alex. After all, Alex had just protected him, likely saving him from serious injury or worse.

Ah, Mark, you can't bring yourself to hurt him now. What are you going to do in the future? This bastard is sure to take advantage of you if he realizes you've gone soft. The thought of this made Mark's head throb. He ruffled his hair in frustration before glaring at Alex.

Alex, confused by the sudden glare, raised an eyebrow. Why was Mark suddenly mad again?

"It's fine if you don't want to kiss me. It's not a big deal," Alex said, trying to defuse the situation.

Mark didn't respond, but his face inexplicably turned a deep shade of red as he stared intensely at Alex, who was still holding him.

Alex, perplexed, raised an eyebrow once more. 

Then, to his surprise, Mark suddenly cupped Alex's face, scrutinizing it with uncertainty, his brows furrowing as he alternated between irritation and hesitation.

"What's wrong, babe?" Alex asked, feeling a bit unsettled by Mark's behavior. What's going on? This is a little scary, he thought.

"Shut up, and don't say anything," Mark demanded, his tone bossy. He continued to hold Alex's face firmly, tilting his head from side to side as if examining him.

"Ouch, ouch, I'm injured, you know," Alex reminded Mark, wincing slightly.

Mark shot back immediately, "I didn't lose my memory." But after his harsh words, his voice softened with uncertainty as he asked Alex, "Which side should I kiss?"

He looked unsure, almost adorably confused, as if he couldn't make up his mind.

Alex was stunned. How could words like that come out of his wife's mouth?

"Are you deaf? I'm asking you a question," Mark grumbled, his face reddening further. He'd never kissed Alex this seriously before and was suddenly at a loss for what to do.

"Babe, let's go home. Let's go right now," Alex said urgently, his eyes locked on Mark with an intensity that made Mark's face flush even more. 

Mark was left speechless, his face now a bright red, unable to find the words to respond.

Damn it, what's this man babbling about now? Mark was on the verge of dying from embarrassment. Howard was still standing right there!

But Howard wasn't paying them any attention. Instead, he walked over to Blackie's car and started it up, given that their own car was now too damaged to drive.

"Aren't we going home?" Howard asked Alex, his tone as cold as ever, while already settling into the driver's seat.

Mark's eye twitched furiously. Are you doing this on purpose? Why are you making things worse?

Howard caught wind of Mark's anger but simply ignored it, starting the car.

Without another word, Alex swiftly carried Mark toward the car, practically rushing in his urgency.

"I'm not going home, I don't want to go home," Mark protested, hitting Alex's chest as he was carried.

He was panicking, and with good reason. He knew exactly what would happen if they went home, and the thought terrified him.

"I don't want to go back, Alex, let me down!" Mark continued, struggling against Alex's hold, but Alex wouldn't relent. He sat down in the backseat with Mark in his lap and ordered Howard, "Get us home in twenty minutes."

The directive was clear—Howard was to drive as fast as possible without wasting a second.

Howard didn't respond verbally but complied by accelerating down the road at high speed.

This made Mark even more anxious, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. No, no, I can't go home with Alex. If I do, it'll be over for me!

Mark struggled even more, trying to escape Alex's grip, but Alex only held him tighter.

"Darling, don't move," Alex said, his voice low and serious, his hand gripping Mark's waist with surprising strength.

Mark froze. This side of Alex was something he'd never seen before—the usually composed man was clearly struggling to maintain control.

Swallowing nervously, Mark looked at Alex's face, which was so close to his own. He could see the desperation in Alex's eyes, and for a moment, his heart softened. Damn it, Mark, why are you worrying about him at a time like this? You're the one in danger here!

Mark scratched his head in frustration, but when he looked back at Alex, who was holding him so tightly with that hopeful expression, he found himself unable to stay angry.

Have I been bewitched by this man? Mark wondered, but he couldn't deny that he didn't dislike the feeling.

"Fine, I'll just consider it repayment for saving me today. I'm being nice," Mark muttered, looking away with a mix of reluctance and embarrassment, his face turning a deeper shade of red as his heart raced.

Alex's lips curled into a smile as he buried his head in Mark's chest, kissing the spot over his heart.

Feeling Mark's rapid heartbeat beneath his palm, Alex's smile widened. If his heart's racing this fast, he can't hate it too much.

Mark quickly swatted Alex's hand away, covering his chest defensively. "What are you doing?" he stammered, his face burning.

"You're nervous. Your heart's beating so fast," Alex said with a grin, his tone teasing.

Mark's face immediately flushed a deep red. "Th-that's because I'm still shaken from the car accident! I'm still in shock!" he lied, clearly flustered.

Alex could easily see through the lie but didn't call him out on it. Instead, he tightened his embrace and kissed Mark gently on the lips.

Mark's heart pounded even harder. How could it not when Alex, with his unfairly handsome face, was looking at him with such deep affection? Damn it, it's true—good-looking people really do have special privileges.

Mark was suddenly irritated, not at Alex but at himself for being so helplessly attracted to his handsome husband.

Howard, who had been observing them in the rearview mirror, had noticed Mark's resistance gradually giving way to acceptance. He had initially expected Mark to put up a fight, perhaps even a fierce one, but to his surprise, Mark had quickly quieted down. 

Is this… love? Howard pondered as he continued to drive, the dark road stretching out before him. Rick's face suddenly flashed in his mind.

For once, the thought of Rick didn't fill him with anger. Instead, his expression remained neutral as he drove, his feelings an enigma even to himself.

Before long, Howard had sped them home. Not wasting a second, Alex carried Mark into the brightly lit mansion, ignoring the greetings from the servants.

Mark's face was now a vivid shade of red as he buried his head in Alex's chest, too embarrassed to look up, terrified that the servants might see how flustered he was.