The Husband Finally Realizes His Mistake

"Noah, are you alright?" the guard asked, noticing Noah's sudden startled expression.

"It's nothing. Just go back to your duties," Noah responded quickly, trying to dismiss him, but his behavior was off.

The guard hesitated for a moment, then his face turned bright red as he finally understood the situation. Stammering, he quickly excused himself, "Uh, right, I'll… I'll leave you to it."

He hurried off, his face burning with embarrassment, knowing he had stumbled upon something he shouldn't have.

As soon as the guard was gone, Noah slammed the door shut and spun around, landing a hard slap on Feder's face. The force of it turned Feder's head to the side, blood appearing at the corner of his mouth.

Feder's face stung painfully as he turned back to look at Noah, his eyes cold.

Noah instinctively took a step back, anxiety gripping him. The last time he had struck Feder, he had been punished severely.

But instead of retaliating, Feder simply asked, "You've slapped me. Are you satisfied now?"

Noah couldn't believe what he was hearing. After showing up in the middle of the night and ignoring his protests, Feder now acted as if everything was resolved with a single slap.

"If you need someone so badly, go buy someone! What do I have to do with you? Why do you keep coming after me?" Noah shouted, his voice thick with frustration.

He knew the guards had been dismissed, so he felt free to express his anger without fear of being overheard.

"Then let's make it so that you do have something to do with me," Feder said, as if it were the most natural solution, without a hint of remorse.

Noah let out a bitter laugh. "If you don't leave, I'll have the guards throw you out."

He pointed angrily at the door, ordering Feder to leave.

Feder frowned, his irritation growing. "You're really this worried about Richa?" he demanded.

"You know as well as I do the relationship between the Shen and Dupont families. If you want to die, don't drag me down with you," Noah shot back, his anger flaring again as he pointed towards the door.

If it weren't for his concern about causing trouble for Richa, Noah would have dealt with Feder by now. A mere verbal warning wouldn't have been enough.

Feder's face remained cold as he silently stormed out of the room, kicking open each door in the hallway as he went.

Noah was shocked and scared, his face turning pale. "Is he out of his mind?"

In a fit of anger, Noah rushed after Feder, trying to stop him, but Feder shoved him away so hard that Noah nearly fell.

"What the hell are you doing?" Noah shouted, his eyes burning with rage.

Feder still didn't respond, his only focus was on kicking open every door on the first floor, as if searching for Richa.

The noise drew the attention of the other guards outside, who quickly rushed in. They were about to ask Noah what was happening when they saw Feder and froze in shock.

What's going on? Why is Feder here?

"Don't just stand there! Stop him!" Noah yelled at the guards, terrified of what would happen if Feder woke up the residents on the second floor.

"Oh, right, yes, sir!" the guards snapped out of their shock, drawing their weapons and aiming them at Feder's head. "I don't know what's going on, but this is the Dupont estate. You can do whatever you want outside, but you won't drag Noah into this."

Feder shot them a deadly glare, full of menace.

The guards trembled, knowing how dangerous Feder was. Despite their weapons aimed at his head, Feder wasn't the least bit afraid.

"S-stop right there!" one of the guards stammered, retreating instinctively as Feder advanced.

Feder ignored the guards entirely, his anger fueling his every step.

The guard's face turned white with fear. He wanted to pull the trigger, but he was too afraid of waking Richa.

Furious, Noah ran up to Feder and punched him in the face. His chest heaved with anger, and his eyes were ablaze.

"If you want to go crazy, go do it at your own house!" Noah yelled.

Feder's temper flared as he grabbed Noah by the collar and shouted, "Isn't Richa what you care about? I'll go find him then."

"And then what? Make him think the Gao family betrayed the Duponts?" Noah shouted back, refusing to back down.

Feder hesitated, realizing he hadn't thought that far in his anger. His brows furrowed in frustration, the reality of the situation dawning on him.

"Noah, get him back to your room," one of the guards urged, hearing the sound of more footsteps approaching from outside. He was worried that the others would discover Feder's presence.

Noah shared the same fear. He quickly pulled Feder back into his room.

Once Noah managed to drag Feder inside, more guards arrived, but the first guard covered by lying that he had seen a rat, which is why he had kicked open the doors.

The other guards believed him, chiding him for potentially waking Richa and the others before helping him close the doors and leaving.

The guard sighed in relief, and Noah, who had been leaning against the door, listening intently, breathed a heavy sigh as well, his heart pounding in his chest.

Seeing Noah's anxiety, Feder finally realized the gravity of his mistake. He wrapped his arms around Noah from behind and whispered, "I'm sorry. That was my fault."

Noah's body stiffened in shock. Did he hear that right?

"I'm sorry," Feder repeated, saying the words he never thought he'd utter in his life.

He gently turned Noah to face him, caressing his face as he spoke softly, "I'm sorry. I know I was wrong."

Noah stared up at Feder in disbelief. Was this man really apologizing?

Feder waited for a response, but when none came, he didn't get angry. Instead, he hesitated for a moment before leaning down to gently kiss Noah's lips, then kissed him again.

"You think an apology is enough to make me forgive you?" Noah snapped back to reality, pushing Feder away. There was no way he would let Feder off so easily.

"What do you want me to do then?" Feder's temper flared again, clearly having expected that his apology would be enough.

"I've told you repeatedly—leave. Stay away from me," Noah shouted.

Feder's expression turned pained as he realized how much Noah disliked him.

"So, you really do hate me," Feder laughed bitterly, though his laugh sounded more like a sob. His face twisted with emotion, and he tilted his head back, letting out a shaky breath.

When he looked back at Noah, his eyes were devoid of any warmth, cold and frightening.

Noah didn't flinch, though. He merely frowned at Feder's sudden change in demeanor.

How ironic, Noah thought. After everything he's done to me, he thinks a simple apology will make everything better?

The more Noah thought about it, the angrier he became. He had never encountered someone so arrogant.

"What are you doing?" Noah demanded, alarmed as Feder suddenly advanced on him, causing him to step back quickly.

Feder smirked, regaining his usual demeanor as he grabbed Noah's chin, forcing him to look up. "I'll be back."

Before Noah could react, Feder silenced him with a forceful kiss, deepening it with a possessive intensity.

Noah's anger flared once more. This bastard.

But before he could shove Feder away, Feder had already let him go, wiping the wetness from Noah's lips with a smug grin. "If you dare see another man, I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life locked in a room. Understand?"

Noah wanted to yell at him, but Feder opened the door and left without hesitation.

Noah was left standing in the middle of the room, dumbfounded. Did Feder really just leave on his own?

"Damn it, he's infuriating," Noah growled, raking his hands through his hair in frustration. This man just barges in, causes a mess, and then leaves like nothing happened.

"Does he think I'm a hotel or something?" Noah fumed, seething with rage.

Feder walked out of the mansion, only to be confronted by a group of Richa's guards who immediately drew their weapons. However, they soon received orders through their earpieces and quickly stood down, stepping aside to let Feder pass.

Feder didn't leave immediately. He paused to look up, and sure enough, he saw Richa standing by a window, watching him with cold eyes.

Lighting a cigarette, Feder blew a cloud of smoke toward Richa, a mocking smile playing on his lips. "Your own men are getting hurt, and you just sit back and watch? What, are you waiting for a live performance next time?"

His tone dripped with sarcasm, his expression light and careless, but his eyes burned with hatred.

Richa said nothing, his face unreadable.

Being ignored only fueled Feder's anger. He scowled and stormed off, unwilling to stick around and be humiliated.

Once inside his car, Feder's façade of calmness shattered. He kicked the car door in frustration, running his hands through his hair as he cursed under his breath.

He was furious at Richa for looking down on him, but part of his anger was directed inward, knowing he had hurt Noah again.

He had left earlier because he didn't want to make Noah any angrier, otherwise, he wouldn't have walked away so easily.

"Damn it

!" Feder kicked the door again before finally starting the car and driving away.

Richa watched Feder's car disappear into the distance, his expression as stoic as ever.

His elderly butler, who had been standing nearby, hesitated before speaking. "Young Master Feder's issues aren't your fault. It's all because of the old master. You don't have to be so accommodating to him."

"I know," Richa replied coldly.

"Then why did you let him go? He's been terrible to Noah," the butler asked, puzzled.

"He didn't ask for my help," Richa said simply before leaving the small sitting room on the second floor and returning to his bedroom.

The butler sighed, feeling helpless.

In the bedroom, Kyle groggily opened his eyes as Richa slipped under the covers. Rubbing his eyes, Kyle mumbled sleepily, "Did you go out?"

"Yeah," Richa replied curtly, pulling Kyle into his arms and pressing a kiss to his lips.

Kyle's face flushed as he snuggled closer to Richa. He loved how Richa treated him with such tenderness.