Feder Encounters Kyle

"Get out of here!" Noah yelled, giving Feder another kick. He frantically glanced outside the window, terrified that the patrolling guards might spot Feder.

What Noah didn't know was that Feder had already walked in through the front door. Though Richa's men had initially blocked him, the house steward had intervened and allowed him entry. The guards were left puzzled, unsure of why they were being told to let an enemy through. But the steward offered no explanation and simply instructed them to continue their patrols.

"You don't need to worry about Richa," Feder said, placing the ointment he had brought on the nightstand. He had already applied it to Noah's injuries.

"Do you think the boss won't dare to kill you?" Noah was incredulous at Feder's arrogance, thinking he was completely out of touch with reality.

Feder remained silent, staring at Noah with a cold, emotionless gaze. After a long pause, he finally asked, "You really don't know about my history with the DuPont family, do you?"

Noah scoffed, "You? History with the DuPont family?"

Feder responded with a cold laugh, choosing not to elaborate. "It's not something you need to know," he added, his tone laced with bitterness.

If Feder hadn't said that, Noah would have thought he was bluffing. But the way Feder spoke and his expression suggested something deeper.

Could it be related to an incident from over twenty years ago? Noah recalled a time when the DuPont family had been shrouded in a heavy atmosphere, though he had been too young to understand what was happening. All he knew was that any mention of it had been strictly forbidden, and the matter had eventually faded away.

Feder suddenly broke into a mocking smile. "You keep staring at me like that, and I might start to get the wrong idea."

"You need professional help," Noah snapped, giving Feder another kick.

Ignoring the insult, Feder casually walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Soon, the sound of running water filled the room.

Noah was stunned. "Is he planning to stay here for the night?"

Sure enough, after his shower, Feder emerged wearing one of the guest robes and climbed into bed, pulling Noah into his arms with a possessive grip.

Noah was once again in shock. It took him a moment to react, and when he did, he began furiously pushing at Feder, cursing him, "Let go of me! You think you can just stay here? Get out!"

"Keep struggling, and you'll regret it," Feder warned.

Noah seethed with rage but didn't dare to resist further. Feder was not one to make empty threats.

"That's better," Feder said, satisfied, as he planted a kiss on Noah's forehead.

Noah, filled with anger but unable to express it, could only grit his teeth and glare at Feder.

Feder ignored the hostility, forcing Noah to rest his head on his chest. "Sleep," he ordered, holding Noah tightly.

Despite his resistance, Noah eventually drifted off into a fitful sleep, his breathing evening out as he lay in Feder's arms.

Feder listened to Noah's steady breathing, a smile slowly spreading across his face. He gently caressed Noah's cheek, kissed him on the lips, and then settled down to sleep, holding Noah close.

The next morning, the sound of a loud slap echoed through the room.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Noah shouted, pointing furiously at the door.

"Alright, I'm leaving," Feder said with a grin, clearly enjoying himself. He left the room, even closing the door behind him.

Noah, enraged, screamed into his pillow, "That bastard!"

While Noah fumed upstairs, Feder leisurely strolled through Richa's mansion, following the scent of breakfast. He walked into the dining room, expecting to see Richa, but instead, he found a cute young man who looked at him with wide, curious eyes.

"Who are you?" Kyle asked, his face full of innocent confusion.

Feder immediately recognized the voice. He had heard it on the phone yesterday when he had called Noah at Richa's house. "So, you're the one Richa's hiding," Feder said as he approached Kyle, towering over him.

Kyle blinked in confusion. He had never seen Feder in the house before, and the fact that Feder was wearing a guest robe made it even more puzzling.

As Kyle tried to figure out who this man was, Feder suddenly grabbed his chin, turning his face from side to side. "So, this is Richa's type," Feder muttered with a low, mocking laugh.

Kyle winced in pain, his brow furrowing. "Let go of me," he demanded, pushing Feder's hand away and quickly stepping back, putting distance between them.

"Don't be so scared. I'm not going to eat you," Feder said, grinning as he advanced on Kyle.

Kyle backed away until he nearly stumbled, catching himself on a nearby cabinet. "Don't come any closer," he warned, his face pale with fear.

Feder halted, eyeing Kyle from head to toe. What does Richa see in him? He's so frail.

Just then, Richa's voice cut through the tension. "What are you doing here?"

Kyle immediately turned towards the dining room entrance, where Richa stood with an icy glare fixed on Feder. Kyle quickly ran to Richa's side, hiding behind him.

Richa placed a comforting hand on Kyle's head but kept his steely gaze locked on Feder, barely containing his anger.

Feder simply smirked, sauntering over to the dining table and plopping himself down. He propped his feet up on the table and nonchalantly called out to the house steward standing behind Richa, "I'm hungry. Bring me something to eat."

The house steward frowned, clearly displeased by Feder's rudeness. He glanced at Richa, waiting for instructions.

Richa's face was expressionless, though a dangerous glint flickered in his eyes. After a moment, he said, "Give him something."

The steward hesitated, wanting to say something but ultimately staying silent. He knew Richa was likely holding back because of their family's complicated history, so he obediently went to the kitchen to prepare something for Feder.

Feder, sensing the tension, leaned back in his chair and looked at Richa with a sneer. "You sure you want to date someone so fragile? Doesn't seem like a good idea for a man in your position."

"Who I'm with is none of your business," Richa replied coldly, leading Kyle to a seat across from Feder.

Kyle sat down nervously, stealing a glance at Feder. He had never seen anyone be so openly disrespectful to Richa. It was unsettling.

Feder continued to smirk, his gaze shifting to Kyle. "You do know what kind of family he comes from, right? Or did he not tell you that part?"

Kyle was momentarily taken aback, not by Feder's insinuation about Richa's family, but by the way he addressed him as "sister-in-law."

Did I hear that right? He called me sister-in-law?

Kyle was stunned, blinking in confusion. He looked up at Richa, silently asking if he had heard correctly. But Richa's expression was unreadable, and he seemed uncomfortable with the topic.

Kyle picked up on the tension and decided not to press further, though he couldn't help but glance at Feder again.

As he observed Feder more closely, Kyle noticed the resemblance between him and Richa—their intimidating presence, their tall, powerful builds. Could they be brothers?

Feder, catching Kyle's curious look, chuckled. "He won't tell you who I am because he doesn't want you to know how filthy his family is. He's afraid you'll be disgusted."

Disgusted? Kyle wondered what could be so bad.

"If you're not here to eat, then get out," Richa ordered, clearly done with the conversation.

Feder laughed off the warning. He looked Kyle up and down once more, then turned back to Richa with a grin. "Your family's always felt guilty about how they treated me. How about lending me your boyfriend for a night? I promise I won't give you any more trouble after that. Otherwise, it's your nephew who'll have to suffer."

Richa's patience finally snapped. "You can leave on your own, or I can throw you out."

Feder knew Richa was on the verge of losing his temper, but he remained unfazed. He stood up, retrieved the piece of toast the steward had brought him, and took a bite.

He then turned to Kyle with a teasing smile. "If you ever get bored, come find me. I guarantee I'm better than your man."

With that, Feder casually walked out, leaving behind a furious Richa and a bewildered Kyle.

Are they brothers who don't get along? Kyle wondered, stealing a glance at Richa.

Richa didn't say a word. Instead, he suddenly leaned down and kissed Kyle with a fierce intensity.

Kyle was caught off guard, his heart racing. He didn't push Richa away, though, and instead clung to his shirt, tilting his head back slightly.

After a long moment, Richa pulled back and said sternly, "If you ever see him again, run."

Kyle, though unsure of the full story, nodded obediently. This was the first time he had seen Richa so unsettled.

"Sorry," Richa apologized, noticing the redness of Kyle's lips. He looked frustrated.

Kyle shook his head, signaling that he was okay, though he was more concerned about Richa. Something clearly wasn't right.