Learning to Refuse Her Husband

*Oh my gosh, the boss's wife is just too cute!*

*Ahhh, I want to pinch his cheeks and give him a big kiss!*

*The boss is so doting on his wife—I'm so jealous!*

*I can't take it! I want to see them live! I want to see the boss's wife cry!*

The receptionists were all bursting with excitement inside, trying their best not to squeal out loud.

Noticing their strange behavior, the manager quickly said to Alex, "Why don't you take the boss's wife upstairs to rest? I'll personally conduct the interrogations shortly."

"Okay," Alex replied simply, then picked up Mark, who was hiding his face in embarrassment, and headed toward the elevator.

Mark sighed in relief as he was lifted up. He uncovered his face and, with his cheeks still red, lightly punched Alex's chest, scolding him, "Can't you be more mindful of the situation next time? Don't be so intimate with me in public."

"I don't think it's against the law to be affectionate with my wife," Alex chuckled, stealing a quick kiss from Mark.

Mark immediately got flustered and covered Alex's mouth, stopping him from kissing further. His face turned completely red as he anxiously glanced around.

Sure enough, everyone was watching them. While the guests were aware of who Alex was and didn't dare to openly stare, they still couldn't resist sneaking glances.

"They won't dare say anything. No need to be so nervous," Alex said, smiling as he ruffled Mark's hair.

Mark noticed that people seemed hesitant to make any comments. Some guests even showed disgusted expressions but quickly hurried away when they saw Alex's face.

*Why is everyone so afraid of Alex?* Mark wondered, thoroughly confused.

What Mark didn't realize was just how terrifying his husband could be. Anyone who crossed Alex usually ended up bankrupt overnight.

As Alex carried Mark into the elevator, and just as the doors were closing, Richa and Kyle walked into the resort.

Richa didn't notice Alex, but Kyle thought he might have glimpsed Mark.

*Was that... Mark?*

It was so quick that Kyle wasn't entirely sure if it was really him.

Seeing Richa, the manager hurried over, visibly anxious.

Other guests, upon seeing Richa, seemed terrified, their faces turning pale as they quickly left.

Kyle noticed the sudden tension and was puzzled by everyone's sudden panic. 

Since Kyle wasn't familiar with Richa's family business, it was natural for him to be confused by the reaction.

Even the receptionists were visibly tense, keeping their heads down, too scared to make eye contact with Richa. The other staff members also kept their heads lowered, not daring to make a sound.

Kyle felt uneasy seeing this, and he nervously clutched the hem of Richa's coat.

Richa, sensing Kyle's discomfort, gently intertwined their fingers and reassured him, "Don't worry."

But Kyle couldn't help but feel nervous. The lively lobby had fallen into a deathly silence the moment they walked in, the atmosphere becoming eerily still.

"S-Sir, good afternoon," the manager stuttered, nervously wiping the sweat from his forehead as he greeted Richa.

"Is he here?" Richa asked coldly, his expression icy.

The manager knew Richa was asking about Alex and quickly replied, "He's arrived and just went upstairs to rest. Would you like me to call him for you?"

"No need," Richa replied curtly. "Arrange a room. I'll be staying tonight."

"Y-Yes, of course," the manager stammered, swallowing hard as he wiped more sweat from his brow.

He hurried back to the reception, instructing the receptionist to book a room for Richa as quickly as possible, so flustered that he could barely get the words out.

The receptionist was just as terrified, her hands trembling as she typed.

After receiving the room key, the manager rushed back to Richa, ready to lead the way, but Richa declined, taking Kyle's hand and walking off.

Kyle, still curious, glanced back at the manager, noticing the manager exhale deeply as if he had just narrowly escaped death. The other staff members seemed similarly relieved.

In the elevator, Kyle couldn't help but ask in a small voice, "Why is everyone so scared of you?"

"They're just easily frightened," Richa replied simply, picking Kyle up and kissing him naturally.

Kyle's face turned bright red, and he bashfully bit his lip, deciding not to ask any more questions.

After exiting the elevator, Richa led them to their room.

As soon as they were inside, Richa didn't waste any time, immediately kissing Kyle.

Kyle quickly stopped him, asking, "Didn't you say we were here to have fun?"

"We are here to have fun," Richa replied matter-of-factly.

"You just want to have fun in a different setting," Kyle shot back, his face reddening as he pointed out Richa's true intentions.

Realizing that Kyle was refusing him, Richa didn't get angry, though he was a bit disappointed. He had hoped Kyle would agree.

Richa remained silent, and Kyle grew worried, thinking Richa might be upset.

"It was my fault earlier," Kyle apologized, starting to feel guilty.

Richa gently patted Kyle's head to comfort him. "You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

Richa was always a gentleman and respected Kyle's boundaries.

"Are you mad at me?" Kyle asked anxiously, looking up at Richa.

"No," Richa responded calmly, patting Kyle's head again.

Kyle remained silent, closely observing Richa. Seeing no signs of anger, he finally relaxed.

Kyle bit his lip and looked down, regretting that he had refused. He was worried that Richa might dislike him because of it.

"You shouldn't force yourself just to please me," Richa said, understanding Kyle's concerns.

"But... the only way I can help you is with this," Kyle replied, sounding increasingly downcast as he lowered his head further.

Kyle always felt insecure around Richa, believing that he was just a kid and unworthy of such an outstanding man. This insecurity made him constantly anxious.

*What if his family doesn't approve of me and won't let me be with him?*

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Kyle felt even more afraid, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Are you overthinking again?" Richa asked, gently wiping away Kyle's tears.

Kyle choked up as he spoke, "I'm afraid I'm not good enough for you, and you'll leave me."

Richa hadn't expected Kyle to worry about such a thing. He thought Kyle understood that he would never do that.

"That's never going to happen," Richa reassured him firmly.

Kyle, tears streaming down his face, looked up at Richa, seeking confirmation. He wanted to see if Richa was being sincere, and Richa's serious expression told him that he wasn't just saying it to comfort him.

Kyle threw himself into Richa's arms, crying as he let out all his fears and insecurities.

Richa realized that unless he formally committed to Kyle, the younger man would continue to spiral into these doubts. However, the thought of bringing Kyle back to meet his family, especially his father, filled Richa with a cold fury.

So, he decided to postpone the idea, choosing instead to comfort Kyle for now and find a better opportunity to introduce him later.

Just then, Richa's phone beeped with a text message.

With Kyle still in his arms, Richa pulled out his phone to check the message.

It was from his brother, saying that he had heard about Alex's trouble and was nearby for some business, so he decided to come to the resort. He asked if Richa was there.

Richa replied that he was, then glanced at Kyle before typing an additional line: *I have someone I want you to meet.*

In the resort's underground parking lot, Xavier Dupont sat in the driver's seat, reading the reply from his younger brother, Richa. He exhaled a stream of smoke out the window and flicked the ash off his cigarette.

Xavier Dupont looked to be about the same age as Richa, with a cold, chiseled face and strikingly handsome features that carried an aura of danger, making him seem unapproachable.

*Introduce someone to me?* Xavier Dupont thought, puzzled.

But the next moment, he understood that Richa was likely talking about his significant other. Xavier simply replied, "Okay."

"Could you be a bit more serious?" Richard, who was sitting on Xavier's lap, frowned in displeasure. His long, dark hair clung to his face and pale neck.

Xavier Dupont's gaze shifted from the cold exterior outside the car as he tossed his phone onto the passenger seat. He then grabbed a handful of Richard's long hair.

Richard wanted to close the gap between their lips, but Xavier Dupont turned away, his expression indifferent as he looked out the window, smoking.

Richard's eyes filled with sadness, his heart feeling as if it had been slashed open, the pain nearly bringing him to tears.