A Husband in Disbelief

Richa's face was icy cold, exuding a chilling aura as he held a tearful Kyle in his arms. The murderous intent radiating from him silenced the entire restaurant. Those who had initially thought Alex was terrifying now couldn't even bear to look Richa in the eyes, hurriedly lowering their heads in fear.

Franklin Turner, upon seeing Richa, was so frightened that he sat down hard on the floor, desperately trying to crawl away.

"Don't you dare run," Mark warned, pressing his foot down on Franklin's back, pinning him to the ground.

"Let me go, you brat!" Franklin Turner yelled, but his fear was palpable, his eyes reddening with panic.

Mark was bewildered by the sudden shift in the atmosphere after Richa's arrival. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, paralyzed with fear. *Who on earth is Kyle's uncle?* Mark wondered, his gaze shifting to Richa at the restaurant's entrance, completely at a loss.

Confused, he nudged Alex and asked curiously, "Alex, do you know Kyle's uncle?"

Alex's face was tight with frustration. Seeing Richa holding Kyle, even a fool could figure out their relationship. But Alex still wasn't ready to accept the truth, pointing at Richa as he asked his wife, "Is that the scumbag uncle who abandoned Kyle?"

Mark immediately felt awkward, replying sheepishly, "I think we misunderstood. He didn't abandon Kyle—it seems we got it wrong."

"He's really Kyle's man?" Alex asked again, still not fully convinced, his tone serious and deliberate.

"Yeah, that's right!" Mark confirmed without hesitation, though he was puzzled by Alex's reaction. "Why do you look so constipated?"

Alex pinched the bridge of his nose, speechless and exasperated. So, in the end, he had been unknowingly introducing his little uncle to his own wife? The thought made Alex's face darken even more, wishing he could dig a hole to bury himself in.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you like Kyle's man?" Mark asked, perplexed by Alex's reaction.

"Oh my god! Are you guys enemies or something?" Mark suddenly grew excited.

"Worse than that," Alex muttered, not wanting to say anything more, rubbing his temples in frustration.

Mark stared at him, thoroughly confused.

"Let's not talk about this now," Alex tried to brush the situation aside, turning to the equally bewildered restaurant manager. "Call the security and have them thrown out."

"Oh, right... right away," the manager stammered before hurrying out of the restaurant.

As he passed by Richa, the manager couldn't help but sigh in disbelief. *What's going on with these two kids? How are they so close with the DuPont men? Could they both be their wives?* He patted his chest, thankful that he had treated Mark and Kyle with respect earlier, or he would have been in deep trouble.

"I want to go back to the room," Kyle whispered, lifting his tear-streaked face from Richa's chest, pleading to be taken away.

Richa didn't say a word, but he lifted Kyle into his arms, holding him close.

Kyle sniffled, wrapping his arms around Richa's neck, his tears wetting Richa's collarbone, making the murderous aura around him even stronger.

Richa's gaze swept over the restaurant, landing on Alex, then Mark, and finally, on Franklin Turner beneath Mark's foot.

Franklin, already trembling, now cowered even more, clutching his head in terror. Soon, a wet patch spread across his pants.

"What the—did you just piss yourself?" Mark exclaimed, immediately pulling his foot back and jumping away in disgust.

"I didn't! Shut up!" Franklin Turner yelled, but the wet floor beneath him told a different story. He was well aware of what he had done but was too ashamed to admit it.

His fear was well-founded—he had once narrowly escaped being beaten to death by Richa. *This is humiliating, humiliating!* Franklin thought, holding his head as he began to cry.

The surrounding guests recoiled in disgust, pinching their noses as they moved away from the scene.

Grace, on the other hand, was so angry she nearly fainted. *How disgusting can this man be? A grown man wetting his pants?*

She hiked up her skirt, distancing herself from Franklin Turner as if he were contaminated.

"Let go of me!" Grace shrieked as the security guards grabbed her, kicking and thrashing.

But the guards ignored her protests and dragged her out, tossing her out of the resort's gate like a ragdoll, leaving her flailing on the ground. Moments later, Franklin Turner was thrown out too, landing on top of her and soaking her in his urine.

Grace screamed in horror, kicking Franklin Turner off her with all her might. He fainted on the spot, foaming at the mouth.

Richa, standing at the restaurant entrance, coolly pointed upstairs with his chin, silently signaling Alex to follow.

Alex's face darkened, and with a sigh, he picked Mark up and carried him out of the restaurant, trailing behind Richa.

Mark was utterly stunned, completely unsure of what was happening. *Do they... know each other?* he thought, forgetting to struggle as he stared down at Alex, who was carrying him to the elevator.

Isabelle, who had rushed to the resort after hearing about the incident, arrived just in time to see Alex carrying Mark upstairs in front of everyone. Furious, she nearly exploded on the spot.

"Mark!" she screeched, stomping her feet in a fit of rage.

Back in Richa's room

Mark and Alex sat on one side of the couch, while Richa and Kyle sat on the other. The two husbands stared each other down like lions ready to pounce.

*What's going on?* Mark was on edge, his nerves frazzled as he glanced at Kyle, silently asking for an explanation.

Kyle, no longer crying but still with tear-stained cheeks, shook his head, indicating he had no idea either.

*What the hell?* Mark swallowed nervously, his eyes darting between Richa and Alex, too afraid to even breathe loudly.

Kyle was in the same state, watching Richa and Alex with trepidation. The contrast between the two innocent rabbits and the two fierce beasts was stark.

"Who are you calling wild and unruly?" Alex demanded, glaring at Richa. His anger was palpable.

Richa leaned back on the couch, crossing his arms and giving Mark a once-over before looking back at Alex with a face that said, *Are you blind?*

Alex's frown deepened, his displeasure evident.

He shot back, his tone firm, "You don't understand, old man. That's called being lively."

Richa didn't bother responding, his expression clearly showing he couldn't be bothered to argue.

Mark and Kyle exchanged confused glances, utterly lost as to what was being discussed.

"So, you were the one setting him up on blind dates?" Richa asked coldly, lighting a cigarette and blowing smoke toward Alex.

Alex had no response to that—it was true, after all, and he had complained about Kyle to boot.

Richa didn't let it go, pressing on, "And you thought he would lead your wild animal astray?"

The term *wild animal* made Alex's face darken even more, and he immediately shot back, "You think I won't sleep with your wife?"

Richa remained calm, exhaling smoke before extinguishing his cigarette. He replied coolly, "It won't be me you'll have to worry about—this little guy will kill you first."

Alex was at a loss because Richa was right. Mark would definitely kill him.

Defeated, Alex rubbed his forehead in frustration, feeling like the situation had spiraled out of control.

"What the hell are you two talking about?!" Mark's temper flared, his loud voice breaking the tension.

Richa chuckled, turning to Alex. "You call that lively? Give him an axe, and he'll tear down your resort."

"At least he's better than your wife, who only knows how to cry," Alex retorted, refusing to back down.

Richa wasn't fazed, his smile growing more meaningful as he glanced at Mark before responding to Alex. "So what if he cries? He's obedient and gentle. Meanwhile, your wife probably slaps you whenever you try to kiss him."

Alex had no comeback for that—Richa wasn't wrong.

"You're talking about me and Kyle?" Mark finally caught on, while Kyle, who had already turned bright red, had figured it out much earlier.

"You guys know each other?!" Mark exclaimed, still baffled.

But Richa and Alex responded in unison, both with cold disdain, "No."

Their synchronized denial was so icy it made Mark's mouth twitch. *Do they think I'm three years old? They clearly know each other.*

Mark shot Alex a glare, demanding the truth.

But Alex, still unwilling to admit anything, repeated, "We don't."

Mark rolled his eyes and gave him the finger.

Alex was stuck—he was angry that Richa had insulted Mark but couldn't tell Mark the truth, knowing it would only upset him more. After all, being called a "wild animal" wasn't exactly a compliment.