A Family with a Good Atmosphere

"Pretty Brother, do you not want a daughter like Sarah? Is it because Sarah is not well-behaved?" Sarah asked, her voice tinged with sadness as she looked up at Richard from his lap, her eyes glistening with tears.

From the moment she could remember, it seemed like no one ever really needed her. The servants were kind, but she could tell that they only stayed because it was their job. Sarah had learned to be quiet and never throw tantrums, all in the hopes that someone would stay with her. She longed for the warmth of a family, for the love of her parents. Even a simple smile from Xavier Dupont or Audrey would make her happy for days. But no one ever smiled at her. Audrey would rather spend her time on phone calls and video chats with strange uncles, telling Sarah to stay quiet and out of sight.

During these moments, Sarah would clutch her little stuffed rabbit and stand silently, her eyes full of longing as she watched Audrey. She hoped Audrey would notice her, but Audrey's eyes were always fixed on the screen. Defeated, Sarah would leave the room quietly, closing the door behind her, and stand alone in the empty hallway, tears silently streaming down her face.

With Xavier Dupont, things were a little different. He was often busy, but at least Sarah felt comfortable enough to say she was hungry or that she wanted to play. She would never dare to do that around Audrey, instead sneaking off to find food by herself. And if the servants weren't around, she would simply go hungry because her mother was too busy with her beauty routine to care.

Sarah often wished she could live with Xavier Dupont, but each time she visited him, he seemed too busy even to sit down for a meal with her. Not wanting to be a burden, she would leave without a word, following the servants back to the cold, empty house where she would sit by the window, waiting for Audrey to come home.

Sometimes Audrey would return, drunk and unable to recognize her own daughter, but even then, Sarah would be happy just because someone was home. But more often than not, the servants would tell her, "Miss, your mother won't be coming home tonight. You should go to bed." Sarah would nod silently and go up to her room, lying in the dark and staring out at the night sky, telling herself that she was fine on her own. But every night, she would cry herself to sleep, her little face drenched in tears.

"I'm sorry, it's Sarah's fault for being thoughtless. Pretty Brother isn't really Sarah's mommy, and Sarah shouldn't have been so selfish to ask you to be," Sarah said, her voice trembling as she lowered her head. She looked down at her hands, trying to hide the loneliness on her face—a loneliness that no child her age should have to feel.

Richard's smile faded as he looked at Sarah, this child who was too mature for her age. The anger within him simmered—what had Audrey done to her daughter to make her so cautious, so eager to please?

"Pretty Brother, can Sarah stay here for a few days?" Sarah asked timidly, looking up at Richard with hopeful eyes. Then, in a rush, she added, "Sarah won't bother you and Daddy, I promise! I'll be really good, I won't cause any trouble, I swear!"

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes again. She was terrified that now that Richard was in the picture, Xavier Dupont wouldn't want her anymore. 

Richard's heart ached at the sight of Sarah's tears. How many times must this child have faced disappointment to become so sensitive and afraid?

"Sarah isn't crying, there's just some dust in my eyes," Sarah mumbled, trying to smile through her tears. She didn't want Richard or Xavier Dupont to dislike her for crying. Even though she tried to smile, her attempt to hold back tears only made Richard's heart ache more.

Unable to hold back any longer, Richard wrapped his arms around Sarah, stroking her hair gently. "You can stay as long as you want, Sarah. You don't need to ask."

Hearing this, Sarah could no longer contain her tears. She clung to Richard's clothes, burying her face in his chest as she sobbed loudly, her cries filling the room.

Richard felt his own eyes prick with tears. Maybe it was because he saw so much of his own pain in Sarah's situation.

Xavier Dupont's expression turned cold, a dangerous glint in his eyes. He had never imagined that Audrey could be so negligent as a mother. His mind filled with dark thoughts—perhaps Audrey had lived too comfortably for too long. He had considered getting rid of her more than once, but their families' business ties had always held him back. He had tolerated Audrey's behavior, thinking that she, too, was a victim of circumstance. But now he saw how far she had fallen.

Taking out his phone, Xavier Dupont quickly canceled the credit card he had just given Audrey. Then he turned his attention back to Richard, who was still holding the crying Sarah. Xavier gently pulled Richard into his arms, kissing his forehead, and then reached out to pat Sarah's head, trying to soothe her as well.

Richard looked up at Xavier Dupont, his eyes wide and red from crying, almost as if he couldn't believe what was happening.

Xavier didn't offer any explanations. Instead, he lowered his head to kiss away Richard's tears, his touch tender and caring.

In that moment, Richard wanted nothing more than to cry out all the pain and sorrow of the past ten years. For the first time in five years, Xavier had kissed him, and Richard was overwhelmed with emotion. He had always known that Xavier loved him but was too afraid to act on it. So, Richard had waited, silently hoping for a miracle that had never come—until now.

Clinging tightly to Xavier's neck, Richard buried his face in his shoulder, tears flowing freely. *Have I finally waited long enough?*

"Papa...Pretty Brother, Sarah feels really uncomfortable," a small voice interrupted them. Sarah squirmed in Richard's arms, her voice filled with pain.

Richard quickly loosened his hold on Xavier, his concern for Sarah apparent as he checked to see if she was hurt. "Did I hurt you?"

Sarah had been in pain, but the moment she saw Richard's worried face, all her discomfort seemed to vanish. Blushing slightly, she looked up at Richard with adoration. Even though she had just met Richard, she felt a warmth from him that she had never experienced before.

"I'm fine, Pretty Brother. Don't worry," Sarah said with a bright smile, holding up her small arms to show how strong she was. Her innocent confidence made Richard laugh, and he couldn't resist patting her on the head.

What a sweet child, he thought to himself, unable to stop the words that followed. "I wish she were my daughter."

The thought caught Richard by surprise, and he found himself staring at Sarah, lost in thought.

Sarah, noticing his gaze, tilted her head curiously and asked, "Pretty Brother?"

Richard didn't respond immediately, his mind still reeling from the realization. Then he turned to Xavier Dupont, his expression serious. "Let's take Sarah away from Audrey."

Xavier raised an eyebrow as he continued to play with Richard's hair. "You'll take care of her?"

"Of course. I can't give you children, and Sarah is such a sweet girl. Why should we let Audrey keep her?" Richard replied without hesitation.

Xavier was momentarily taken aback by Richard's words, which seemed to imply that if he could have children, he would have them with Xavier without a second thought. Slowly, a smile tugged at the corners of Xavier's mouth, his mood visibly improving.

Seeing her father smile, Sarah watched him with wide eyes. *Papa is smiling...it's the first time I've seen him smile like that. Papa looks so handsome when he smiles. Why doesn't he smile more often?*

Sarah didn't understand but knew better than to ask.

A moment later, her gaze shifted back to Richard. When she heard Richard say that he wanted to take her away from her mother, she didn't feel angry or upset—instead, she felt a surge of hope.

*Sarah, you have to hold on tight to Papa's pretty wife. That way, you can all live together. You can do it,* Sarah encouraged herself silently, then smiled brightly and threw herself into Richard's arms.

*Pretty Brother smells so good!*

Sarah snuggled into Richard, her small hands wrapping around him as she inhaled the comforting scent of his bath soap.

"I wish Pretty Brother could be my mommy," Sarah said, looking up at him with a big, innocent smile.

Richard leaned back against Xavier's chest, lifting Sarah into his arms and gently pinching her cheek. "Then I'll be your new mommy. Come on, Sarah, call me Mommy."

Sarah's face lit up with joy. She wrapped her arms around Richard's neck and planted a kiss on his cheek before happily exclaiming, "Pretty Mommy!"

"Such a good girl," Richard replied with a smile, gently patting Sarah's head as he relaxed into Xavier's embrace.

Xavier, on the other hand, sighed as he looked at the two in his lap. *My wife and daughter are both sitting on me, and my legs are going numb.*

He gave Richard's thigh a light pat, signaling him to get up.

But instead of moving, Richard suddenly looked up at Xavier and asked, "I'm a man...is it really okay for Sarah to call me Mommy?"

"As long as it makes you happy, she can call you whatever she wants," Xavier said, pulling Richard to his feet. However, he lifted Sarah

 from Richard's lap and gently set her down on the sofa, where the cushions bounced her slightly before she settled.

Sarah blinked in surprise, looking up at Xavier and then at the bathroom door. "Pretty Brother? Where did you go?"

The room was empty now, leaving Sarah alone on the sofa, her little face full of confusion.