Celeste Luminaris, Pt. 3

As Celeste and a guard laid the third boy down, Celeste watched as the summons creature began whining like a kicked pet, licling its master's face, as if to comfort his unconscious form.

It had Celeste mystified. Summons weren't supposed to be able to show empathy and intellect. They were oftentimes robotic in their actions, following their master's directions to the letter. And yet this one obviously has both. It seemed more like a familiar than a summons…

Celeste shook her head, gathering her thoughts and began to work on the third boy who had much greater injuries than her friends had. She began distributing orders to her father and her brother and the Luminaris guards. They may have been leaders in combat, but, when it came to healing others, that was Celeste's domain. They moved swiftly and without complaint.