Chapter 5 Late Remorse

" Home sweet home!".

My brother Axl spread his arms to welcome me as we set foot inside the house. I took a deep breath and its scent hadn't changed a bit. The whole house smells like fresh tulips.

" Thanks again," I said as made a thank-you gesture to my brother.

While resting my back on our sofa, I checked my phone and my eyes widened to see 30 missed calls from my husband Paris. My heart pumps like a drum curious to check the 20 messages that he sent also.

" Ember, where are you? Don't act childish, and come back now!".

That's his first message. I browsed them and this one got my attention.

" Are you trying to ignore me forever? Are you sure about rejecting me? Answer me, now! I'm still your Alpha so I have the right to get mad!."

This one seems rude for him to tell me. He is still the same. He didn't even pay attention to my feelings as his Luna. All I wanted was for him to realize that he was wrong but he seems confident about his mistakes. The way he commanded me made me feel sad.

’My hands trembled and I was startled while receiving his call. I don't want to answer it so I put it back on the table but it won't stop ringing. I felt hurt and still recovering from the incident earlier so hearing his voice might trigger my miseries again but I can't help it.

I took a deep breath and answered his call.

" When are you going to ignore me, Ember? Come on, let's talk about this okay? I booked a fancy restaurant and hotel for us to stay in so we can sort it out." He sounded confident that I would easily go back to him but I won't fall for his trick anymore.

I know my decision seems unreal but that's the reality.

I stayed silent while listening to him.

" Please, honey, come back now. I miss you already. I even told Chef Feng to cook your favorite food, grilled shrimp and carbonara."

I felt touched when he said that he ordered my favorite dish. I wish he was like that before but for almost one year, I saw him barely inside the house. I bit my lower lip to hold back my tears. I remembered Paris on our honeymoon and how he carried me with so much care and passion as he brought me to bed. His smile and excitement felt pure and full of love. There's part of me that wants to answer him, yes, I will go back home but when I think about how he lied and cheated on me, it feels like my heart will going to explode.

" Please, don't wait for me anymore. There's no need for us to talk, Paris. I'm sorry." I softly muttered as I was about to shed tears.

" What the heck are you trying to do? Just tell me where you are so I can pick you up, okay! Enough of this drama, Ember. I'm your Alpha so you must obey my order!". He sternly told me.

My head is going crazy about this situation. I don't know if I can fulfill my decision to reject him. Why does he keep nagging me now when he hasn't been there for me when I needed him? Why did he want to be a good husband now when I made my decision to come back home?

During our conversation, my nanny appeared and had a tray of food in her hands. I simply smiled at her. I saw what she prepared, my favorite snack, cheese mushroom, and bacon pizza.

" Did you know what my favorite snack is?", I asked him as I took one slice and grabbed a bite from it.

" What are you talking about?". He asked me to change the topic.

" See, you didn't know because you've been busily flirting with your fated mate the whole year!", I'm getting emotional as my voice cracks.

I heard silence from him so I continued.

" What about me? I know everything about you for me to fulfill my Luna duties. I must know what my Alpha likes and dislikes so he will feel proud of me but what did you do? You cheated on me!", I lost. I began to burst into tears.

" Okay, I know I was wrong and I'm sorry. We can talk about it okay? So where are you now I will go there to get you." He said that my pain could be treated with just a simple sorry.

I wiped away my tears and acted tough this time. I must stick to my decision. There's no turning back.

" Forget about me, Paris. I rejected you so it's over between us, I'm sorry". My voice was like a hush in his ears.

" So you're rejecting the strongest Alpha in the whole werewolf Kingdom? I'm Alpha Paris of the Black Shadow packs but you still chose to ignore me?", I could tell that he was very furious how his voice got firm and cold.

For the first time, I never experienced to make my Alpha mad. All my life, as his pack Luna, I wanted to be perfect in front of him and his soldiers so it's my first time making him hate me. There's a bit of bitterness and sweetness in his reactions to my rejection of him and I love that but what if he's mad because his ego was stomped by me and not that I rejected him?

I heard him chuckling.

" Are you sure, Ember? Answer me!", he roared this time. I almost threw my phone from my hands.

" Please, Paris, stop now. I mean it!". I softly replied but this is one of the hardest decisions I ever made so far.

He's my first love and first bite. All my life revolves around him. I breathe and I smile because of my husband but if I ggive him another chance, he won't learn a lesson so I must endure my pain and yearning towards him.

" So you mean it, huh! I can't believe this, a weak mere Omega like you rejected me? You know what, you're lucky because I chose you to be my Luna but you lost it. " His cold voice came back just like what he did inside the ward and it made me sad.

" Are you out of your mind? I'm your Alpha and I am the only one who can make the final judgment in our relationship. That privilege will be mine to do it!", he roared with his commanding voice.

" Okay, fine. Do it. Reject me." I calmly replied.

I could hear his heavy breathing on the other line like he was holding himself from getting angry. To think that he was making an effort to win me back felt so satisfying since he treated me differently for almost a year. Though it's not love, I still see a glimpse of hope that he still has something for me.

I'm still hoping that he will keep fighting for his love for me and that he will pursue me no matter what the consequences are but he gave up so quickly.

" So you dare challenge me?", he paused for a moment. I waited while taking a deep breath.

" Okay, let's make it official with me too. I, Alpha Paris of Black Shadow Packs rejected you as my mate! Now we're even! It's over!". He growled this time.

" I accept your rejection". I barely replied.

Deceiving his harsh intention, his voice shuddered and he sounded confused. He seemed surprised that I would say that.

" Hmm, wait, I have something to tell you about Kate ---", this was too much to bear so I quickly cut him off.

There's no need for us to be open about each other's affairs.

" Now that you rejected me and we severed our bonds, we have nothing to do with each other so you don't need to tell me everything ". I said and muted myself for a second.

Paris and I are nobody anymore. All I need is to forget him for good. I must find something to keep myself busy like helping with our family business.

. I took a deep breath and took my phone back to my ears.

" I hope not to see you again". I hang up.