Chapter 7 The Banquet

Ember POV

" Hey, sissy! Am I dreaming? You came back!", it's Ashley, my so-called best friend. She's the daughter of my father's beta. She's one of the richest friends I have too.

At the age of 18, she built a name on her own. She is the owner of the famous beauty shop La El. Ashley always gets what she wants. If you see her, you won't mistake her for anyone because she is the only shifter who has pink hair and multiple piercings on her ears. She loves wearing pink clothes too so I tease her sometimes by calling her Miss Pink.

Over four years have passed by she's still the same, hyper and bratty.

Upon our video call, her eyes brightened in excitement after she started to talk about her upcoming plans. We were so close back then during our high school days in the werewolf school. Back then, I insisted on leaving our Kingdom to visit the Highlands where I found my first love, Paris. It's a love at first sight.

Ashley insisted on forgetting about him but I didn't swayed a bit even though she pleaded with me to go back home. After that, she stopped calling me anymore and that's the last time we talked.

" Hey, Ashley, so we're done with the silent treatment?".

" Yes, of course! Now that you came back, there's no reason for me to get mad". She giggles.

"I'm glad you decided to leave that asshole Paris. Well, to celebrate your break up with him, I'm gonna throw a pool party. I'll invite all the male wolves in town and we can enjoy our lives until we make them fall in our hands!", Ashley squealed with excitement.

" What do you like? Are you into hunks? Hmm, how about the boy-next-door type or the playboy one? Wait, ah, I know what you want, cuties? I can give them all to you!". She's so full of wild fantasies in her head which made my cheeks puff like cherry.

" For goodness sake, Ash, stop it!", I said shyly as I turned my face away at the phone's screen.

" My father will hold a grand party tonight".

" Don't be like that, Ember. What about after the pool party? Isn't it exciting? Do you remember Alpha Tristan from the Dark River Packs? I heard he's super cute! What about Alpha Theo from Amazon tribes, I heard he's super cool and a hunk! Come on, Ember, you can find love again to anyone in the neighborhood!".

Ashley was always like that. Her overflowing fantasies with random Alphas have been her specialty since she turned 18. Unfortunately, she hasn't found her mate yet.

" That's not what I came back for. I'm not here to find love again. True love isn't real. It's all fantasies. A tale!", I said to her but her face altered to a serious one.

Her face zoomed as she went closer to the camera.

" What? Why did you say that? What did Paris do to you to make you hate love? Tell me!". Her sweet voice turned plain cold and I could see how angry she was as the phone shook in her hands.

" Whatever it is, I'll make him pay for what he did to you! I swear!".

I felt so touched by how my best friend cared about me that she left me to tears. I was about to tell her that I had nothing to do with Paris anymore but she already hung up. I simply chuckled a bit as I wiped my tears from my face. I was glad that Ashley was on my side. I have someone who can protect me and right for me if ever I will stumble again in misery.

It's almost evening so I decided to go upstairs to check my clothes to wear tonight. As I came in, my eyes grew wide to see three different styles of gowns lying on my bed. I gulped in awe to see the sparks before my eyes. They're too beautiful to pick one but only one shade stood out the most for me. I picked the red one between purple and Nimbus blue gowns. In my almost five years of being in Paris wife, wearing an apron and gloves was part of me whenever I washed dishes, cooked meals, and cleaned the pack house. I had to wear a plain old dress because it's too much hassle if I wore new clothes he bought me if it got stained. I felt a bit hesitant to pick one but no more holding back since I was now in my Kingdom. I can wear fancy clothes since Cristina and Luna Lara aren't around anymore to insult me.

I turned around happily after fitting the red gown embroidered with real diamonds on the upper part. Its length was passed under my knees with a fine seductive slit on the right side of my thighs. I blushed a little to see my whole reflection in the mirror.

" Wow, my princess, you look stunning!", one of our maids came in to help me with my hair and makeup.

" Really?". I said a bit intimidated.

" Sure, princess! You're the most beautiful and kind Lycan princess I ever met in my life!".

She almost got me in tears again. I never thought that I'd be complimented again since Paris stole my youth when he married me. I felt like I changed a lot after I became his wife. I almost forgot that I am a princess.

" Thank you".

I don't want to catch any attention tonight so I put on light makeup and a simple hair that hangs behind my back. Now that I was done, our maid led me downstairs helping me with my long gown.

" Are you ready, my princess?". I saw big wrinkled hands in front of me.

I slowly looked up and saw our long-time residence driver Costudio. It's almost five years since I left the castle and a long time tells how much he aged a lot.

" Yes! I'm glad to see you again, Uncle Custodio". I mumbled with a smile.

He was already part of my childhood. Since I was five, Dad always called him to pick me up at the werewolf school I used to attend. He's like a second father to me. I sat in the backseat since I didn't like it in the driver's seat. I don't know but I'm more comfortable at the back of our car. As we drove from the mansion, I heard my phone beep. I checked it and it's Ashley.

" Where are you? Guess what? I have news for you and you better get ready to face them".

I don't know what she's talking about but I have a hunch that I knew them. It can be my ex-husband Paris or his sister Cristina and his mate Kate. I was about to reply to her when our car stopped right in front of the hotel gate where my dad held the party.

" Princess Ember, we're here!".

I heard Uncle Custodio's voice and in an instant, he opened the car door for me.

" I hope you will enjoy the party, my princess. I'll get going." He politely said. I set a smile as a way of thanking him.

The two maids rushed towards me and supported my long gown with much care as I walked the aisle while four zeta bodyguards from my father's pack escorted me behind. They make sure to secure my safety from any unexpected threat. I'm a bit anxious about the special treatment since all my life, I spent four years being a slave Luna inside the Black Shadow Pack. They treated me unfairly and my Alpha wasn't beside me to listen to my complaints and feel my miseries. I took a deep breath as I got back to my senses. No one will hurt and mock me in my territory. I'll make sure of it.

" Hey, Ember! Oh, I miss you so much! I can't believe we're seeing each other this close." She looks so excited and hops like a puppy towards me. She clamps her arms around my neck until I'm almost out of breath.

" Okay, okay, I miss you too. Can you get off now, Ash? I can't breathe!", I whispered and she started to panic so she let go.

I saw the horror in her eyes, so I began to laugh.

" Just kidding!".

" What? Hey, you won again!".

Ashley replied and we both laughed at each other until there was a commotion in front of us. I saw our two bodyguards rushing towards the two familiar ladies near the fountain area.

"Christina? Kate?". I said to myself until I confirmed that it was them when I heard Cristina's screeching voice scolding our guards.

" You can't take us out? I have the invitation letter coming from Lycan King! See it for yourself!".

" I'm sorry but this letter is for Alpha Paris, so we need his presence for tonight. This invitation was exclusively made for the chosen Alphas and royal families, so we need to take you out first". Our guards humbly order them but Cristina wants to argue.

" No! You can't do that! Come here, Kate! She's my brother's fiance so maybe this is enough for us to get in?". She firmly said but the guards only follow my father's rule.