Chapter18 Luna Lara’s Offence

Ember‘s POV

He looked angered by my words, and I was glad I had hit my mark. But then he smiled, the most impish smile, and nodded,


"You don't have to do this." it was Paris who spoke up and he was talking to me. I had nearly forgotten that he was there,

"I want to." was all I said

"what happens if you don't win? You hardly ever played hockey," he said and I shrugged,

"that's for me to deal with."

"Then I'll play too."


"It'll be detrimental if you lose. So I'll play too."

"You don't have to do that."

"You don't have to play either," he replied tersely, and I could only turn to his friend.

"I have to. Someone has got to put this son of a gun in his place."

"What are those two doing here?" Ashley asked when we stepped out of the bar. She made sure to get our drinks to go. But I felt bad, she had actually brought us out here to have fun, and I was simply too tired to get into another heated game.

But it turned to where she was looking and narrowed my eyes.