A part of me had expected him to pick up his phone and call me after that last voicemail, but nothing. Absolutely nothing.
All I wanted, was to divorce Paris and be free of him, but why was it proving to be the most difficult thing ever?
Odd, how there was a time that the possibility of us getting divorced was zero because once upon a time, we truly were in love.
It actually all started on a hot summer day five years ago. I had managed to get my father and brother to let me go out on my own without any bodyguards. They didn't like it much, but I was very convincing.
I was something of a free spirit, so to speak. It seemed as though marriage had made me tame.
It was the one free day I was getting to myself, so I took myself to the beach, or I had been taking myself to the beach when I bumped into two men. They were bigger and taller and looked mean.
Worse of all, we were on a somewhat isolated road,